Pin the Tail on the Villager

oof i used the graham puzzle house grid as my answer since I thought him being in this puzzle would be a callback to that puzzle. i also tried to find her color in the ocean but i was using the wrong render so i didn't get any matches LOLLL 😂 well, we can't win everything i guess
At first I was going to guess based on how deep octopi go in the ocean…but then my brain was like “nah match the pink” and yenno I’m glad I did. I guessed M9 and got 2 tickets, bless.
Oof!! I guessed L8 cause her head was matched the color more when I was color matching but I should've went with M8... cause of her name!! I just had too much confidence in the squares.. smh
Anyways I liked this!! Was fun even if it burned my eyes
I feel so dumb because I didn’t even consider looking for a colour match 😥 If hardly anybody got it right, I wouldn’t feel so bad, but it seems like a lot of people figured it out 😭

My potato brain thought: Graham has Graham-coloured paint + Graham’s face is mismatched to his body like he’s wearing a mask = Marina used the paint to make herself a Graham costume 💀

I knew it was a long shot but my brain could not come up with anything else 🫠

Anyways, time for Graham to join Serena and Farley on the list of “characters who The Belltree Fair puzzles made me hate” 😂
actually, I didn't think of it before and it may of just been coincidence with plenty of other exact colors similarly taking a good chunk of space, but something else that kinda just clicked with me

ocean2 with grid.png

Marina's color actually takes up a sizeable chunk of space. which I imagine was done as such, to make eyedrop fishing for or head layering on top to drag for a match both possibilities (especially since my fishing for her render's colors had the hex codes shifting constantly, even between a few pixels. at least for the areas I zoned in on possibly housing those colors)
actually, I didn't think of it before and it may of just been coincidence with plenty of other exact colors similarly taking a good chunk of space, but something else that kinda just clicked with me

View attachment 581220

Marina's color actually takes up a sizeable chunk of space. which I imagine was done as such, to make eyedrop fishing for a possibility (especially since my fishing for her render's colors had the hex codes shifting constantly, even between a few pixels)
This is the shape I was seeing when I did color selection with photoshop and I was trying to figure out what on earth it was. I guess in the end it really is just a smattering if the color. But I was trying to figure out if it was somehow her whole body like on a sideways angle and stretched or what was going on
This is the shape I was seeing when I did color selection with photoshop and I was trying to figure out what on earth it was. I guess in the end it really is just a smattering if the color. But I was trying to figure out if it was somehow her whole body like on a sideways angle and stretched or what was going on

poor girl got thanos jeremy snapped
This was really tough! If I hadn't talked with another person, I would have gone with the 'disguised as Graham' theory. All in all, I liked these very much and would be happy if they made a return. Success with these feels so much more attainable than blankly staring at mirrors, lol.
This was really tough! If I hadn't talked with another person, I would have gone with the 'disguised as Graham' theory. All in all, I liked these very much and would be happy if they made a return. Success with these feels so much more attainable than blankly staring at mirrors, lol.
Wait a minute, I thought teaming up with people was against the rules, so that's why I didn't do it, and rather guessed everything solo.
Wait a minute, I thought teaming up with people was against the rules, so that's why I didn't do it, and rather guessed everything solo.

from the op

Can I work with my friends?
While you can work with your friends privately, we encourage you to keep your groups small and keep your answers amongst yourselves to avoid spoiling the answers to other participants. Fewer people answering correctly will also help you earn more tickets, so it may be beneficial to work alone. Do not post any answers or hints in this thread until the round has ended.
YESSSSS I PICKED RIGHT I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!! 4/4!!!!! My other theory was that Graham was Marina in disguise (pained her body with that yellow paint and wearing a mask explaining why his head looked different than the rest of his body)
I wish I was better at these logic puzzles XD
Or at least if I had time to give my brain brainstorming time but I was busy with other things that kept me away. I'm glad some people got it right though!