Pin the Tail on the Villager

I needed some hints from a friend to get this one, and I feel for them, because our conversation was something like:

Them: what do you notice about the picture?

Me: Kapp'n is taking Graham to dump his chemical waste in the ocean.

Them: No, what do you notice about Graham?

Me: His shirt is a bit tight.

bless them and their patience 🙏

I was on the right track at one point with the colour-picking, but like others, I wasn't using the correct icon of Marina to colour-pick from!
Oh, I wanted to change my guess because I was certain she was at the very bottom, exactly where she had been at the round 3 gym. Turns out I was right and it actually was about color, I just went way darker and overshot so I got 1 ticket!
omg I'm glad I was able to get a ticket out of this 😭 I was not expecting any with this logic askjglkdd
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This gave us such a laugh when we saw it in the submission board. It's a shame there's no 'favourite incorrect answers' for this event because you got it as far as I'm concerned! 🏆

someone, teach me the tools for doing this
I tried several tools when I was trying to solve the original version, like:

■ (Actual intended solution for reference)
Paint.NET, resize image to 1x1 pixel (closest to intended colour but not quite)
online average colour finder: (almost exactly the same)
Paint.NET, average colour according to the levels tool (white background)
online average colour finder:
Paint.NET, average colour according to the levels tool (transparent background)

I could have used my actual art programs as well but this is the point where I gave up on the colour average method, not realising that it was the intended solution. In hindsight a few of the above were 'close', but it would have been impossible to know that before the answer was revealed, so getting even more tools involved for more possible colours seemed unhelpful.

Expecting everyone to do this without hints seemed too advanced and everyone would have ended up with a slightly different answer depending on the tool used, which is clearly not great for a puzzle - imagine doing everything right and still being way off. So I begged Jeremy to use the icon, which had one flat colour and was my own first guess :p
I feel so dumb because I didn’t even consider looking for a colour match 😥 If hardly anybody got it right, I wouldn’t feel so bad, but it seems like a lot of people figured it out 😭

My potato brain thought: Graham has Graham-coloured paint + Graham’s face is mismatched to his body like he’s wearing a mask = Marina used the paint to make herself a Graham costume 💀

I knew it was a long shot but my brain could not come up with anything else 🫠

Anyways, time for Graham to join Serena and Farley on the list of “characters who The Belltree Fair puzzles made me hate” 😂

If it makes you feel any better that was the exact logic behind my answer too. Yay for zero tickets.

I did consider the colour matching at one point, but too many shades on the render I was using plus not having the right program for hex colour picking made me abandon it. Plus the Paint bucket being Yellow made me think of Graham cause he’s yellow. If it’d been pink I likely wouldn’t have thought that haha.

Glad I wasn’t the only one that thought Marina must have disguised herself as Graham. 🤣
I feel so dumb because I didn’t even consider looking for a colour match 😥 If hardly anybody got it right, I wouldn’t feel so bad, but it seems like a lot of people figured it out 😭

My potato brain thought: Graham has Graham-coloured paint + Graham’s face is mismatched to his body like he’s wearing a mask = Marina used the paint to make herself a Graham costume 💀

I knew it was a long shot but my brain could not come up with anything else 🫠

Anyways, time for Graham to join Serena and Farley on the list of “characters who The Belltree Fair puzzles made me hate” 😂
That was my answer for the longest time, but my opinion was swayed in the last day or so. I was 50/50 for the longest time, that was actually the very first theory I came up with 😂
So like others I had the right idea, but I wasn't using the colour from her icon und was a bit off from the correct answer.
I did notice that Graham's head looked strange but didn't think it would be a clue to use Marina's icon colour.

I also liked these puzzles much more than the mirrors! Because when you don't know the character it's getting difficult to identify the character, as there are sooo many Nintendo characters.
i just realized i got zero tickets for the last round (╥ ◡ ╥)
lol its ok. i still like this event way better than mirrors, at least there's a chance you can get some tickets for being wrong vs no tickets.
Lol the answer is so clever that I'm not even mad about getting it wrong.
I saw Graham's paint bucket, and noted that his head was weirdly prominent, but I had no idea what to sample.
I also noted that all of the letters of her name M A R I N A and for G R A H A M were present in the columns, so I thought there might be some weird letter code math.
I definitely prefer these grid games over the mirror puzzles! Thanks for hosting~ 🎈🎈🎈