⚔️ Dedicate your heart and set it ablaze 🔥
One of the first things I do is make myself a coffee. I usually drink it black and have my first meal of the day between 11am and noon.
If I really want to treat myself or would like a satisfy a craving for sweets, I will add two teaspoons of brown sugar and use Silk hazelnut almond creamer. This creamer makes coffee taste like chocolate. It's so, so delicious.
I enjoy fancy coffees for rare occasions, too. For example, if I go out for pho, I will also order Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk.
If I really want to treat myself or would like a satisfy a craving for sweets, I will add two teaspoons of brown sugar and use Silk hazelnut almond creamer. This creamer makes coffee taste like chocolate. It's so, so delicious.

I enjoy fancy coffees for rare occasions, too. For example, if I go out for pho, I will also order Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk.