Coffee, how do you drink it? (if you do)

One of the first things I do is make myself a coffee. I usually drink it black and have my first meal of the day between 11am and noon.

If I really want to treat myself or would like a satisfy a craving for sweets, I will add two teaspoons of brown sugar and use Silk hazelnut almond creamer. This creamer makes coffee taste like chocolate. It's so, so delicious. 💜

I enjoy fancy coffees for rare occasions, too. For example, if I go out for pho, I will also order Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk.
I guess it depends on my mood and where I’m at, but my favorite way is definitely iced coffee. I’m currently loving the pumpkin cream cold brew from Starbucks. I also drink my coffee black sometimes depending on if it’s fresh coffee, but if it’s like a k cup or something I definitely need some flavored creamer in there. those, in my opinion, just don’t taste good black.
I drink coffee extremely rarely. I'm a tea person. I don't even own any sort of coffee maker, all I have is an electric kettle that makes hot water. So when I'm in a coffee mood, I drink flavored powdered instant coffee that typically has the sugar and such already in it.

Coffee in general is way too bitter for my tastes. When I do have it outside of my house, I tend to need a lot of sugar and creamer to make it palatable, preferable with some sort of flavoring too. I like french vanilla flavored coffee.
either black or with oat milk. sometimes i add vanilla if it's an iced drink, but not always. not big on flavor in hot coffee.
If it’s at home it’s hot coffee with hazelnut creamer. If I’m at a coffee shop it’s always a skinny vanilla latte.
I don't drink coffee at all. The only instance I would is in hot chocolate or something.
Instant 3-in-1. It's how I was raised. I know it's an insult to coffee connoisseurs, instant coffee, but I don't really care... lol "Real coffee" tastes bitter af.
Instant 3-in-1. It's how I was raised. I know it's an insult to coffee connoisseurs, instant coffee, but I don't really care... lol "Real coffee" tastes bitter af.

I drink instant coffee fairly often as well.It’s just quicker. I like regular coffee too but the majority of what I drink is instant. I just microwave a cup of water till it’s really hot and put some in and it’s done
if i'm drinking hot coffee i only can drink latte or cappuccino! i will have an espresso very rarely sometimes since that's all my grampa will serve when i'm at his house! i love all types of iced coffee tho and i much prefer it iced, my favourite are frappes mmm
I like it with cream and sugar, or as a latte. I love trying different flavoured lattes, I probably spend too much money on those. D:
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I don't drink hot coffee, nor tea for that matter. I'm not a huge fan of hot drinks and I've just never needed the caffeine that's typically associated with the reason people drink coffee, and thus haven't had any desire to really drink it. That said, I will say that I don't mind coffee drinks in a cold form (i.e. coffee-based frappuccino's from Starbucks, iced capps from Tim Horton's), as generally those are more preferable to me, lol.
As a college student whose sleep schedule is completely whack, my body is about 90% caffeine. Iced coffee is my favorite, although I will drink hot if I'm particularly cold. Either way, the coffee needs to be flavored. I like my bean juice with plenty of cream and sugar (sometimes through a sweetened flavor swirl at like Dunkin' Donuts, sometimes just adding sugar in).
I drink extremely sweet coffee since I'm very sensitive to bitterness but can't taste sweetness that well. Everybody thinks my coffee is unbearable.

At home, I usually have a small cup of caramel coffee with 2 1/2 scoops of sugar, a little cream, and a packet of hot chocolate.
I like basic coffee with Silk soy vanilla flavor creamer. I like a lot of coffee drinks except definitely not pumpkin lattes.
Before I was trying to lose weight, my usual way of drinking coffee was basically mostly cream and A LOT of sugar, and the ideal way was with a loooot of condensed milk! So really, where you couldn't actually taste the coffee anymore lol. Now I just drink it with a tiny bit of cream and some packets of sweetener and I drink it iced. :)
coffee is disgusting unless its one of those super sweet fancy drinks but at that point its not even coffee
i drink water & take narcolepsy pills insteafd