Tea tastes good, smells good, and I love the idea of it, but it always makes me feel sick. Coffee makes me go zoom zoom fast and open my eyes and just helps me to survive in general. I have to go with coffee, it's never betrayed me.
I'm more of a tea person as it tends to put me in a good mood and makes me feel relaxed, I will only ever drink a cup of coffee if i really need something to wake me up for awhile.
I drink a coffee every day for breakfast.. but I love tea as well.
The problem is, my boyfriend gets sick from the smell of tea somehow
so everytime I make one he will feel sick from it.
Good thing he is often gone during the week :^)
I voted neither! Not trying to be pretentious or anything, all I can drink is water. It just doesn't feel right to drink a beverage that has a flavorful taste and different sensation. Water is just so refreshing.
Something about the flavor of coffee just isn't to my tastes. I love the smell, but even super sweet coffee tastes a little bit off to me. I love drinking tea, though!