Snow and cold, strictly because the snow stays. Rain and cold creates ice, depending on how cold but so can snow and cold, plus you gotta scrap off your car and the roads suck.
snow + cold is worse to me, mostly because i don’t like snow in general lol. it’s pretty, and i don’t mind it if i don’t have to go out in it, but if i do... no thanks lol. my mobility is limited and i have terrible balance (i also have to wear a walking boot when i go out due to a foot/ankle fracture), so walking through the snow is hell. it’s hell every year, and i’m always so unsteady on my feet and slipping everywhere, even with snow boots on. practically have to hibernate once the snow comes.
I voted Rain + Cold, cause man, that can absolutely ruin a day. Cold weather just makes getting soaked worse, and rain usually falls a lot faster than snow does. If you forgot an umbrella or jacket, you're gonna have a bad time.
With Snow + Cold, I EXPECT it to be cold, because how else would there be snow? Although I now live in a place where it never snows, when I did live where snow was a possibility, I was usually prepared for it to happen, thus, snow never really caught me off guard like rain.
I voted rain+cold because it's more common where I live and it is a pain to have to deal with if you're going outside. It also happens to be cold and rainy on the days I least expect it and forget either an umbrella or a jacket (or both). I'm weird in the sense that I like cold weather more than hot weather, and usually I like rain and snow. It just sucks if you're not prepared.
Snow and cold is worse because snow. I cannot describe with words how much I hate snow. The cold weather is just as bad. Winter just drags on. I tend to avoid it when I can.
snow is always infinitely worse bc it often turns into ice, and it's soooo dangerous trying to get around on icy sidewalks and roads. whereas rain+cold doesn't and it's really not that big of a deal as long as you have a good coat or umbrella.
They're both terrible, but I voted for rain + cold. I hate the cold. I hate going out in the rain. Cold + rain is the worst in my opinion because when you get wet, you feel even colder. Plus, if it rains enough during the day and then gets cold enough at night, it can freeze leaving dangerous ice and black ice that you aren't expecting.
I hate snow too, but it has a few redeeming factors over rain. It's pretty for a while. It doesn't make me feel as cold and wet as rain does. People are more understanding if you cancel and stay home due to the snow, so you may be able to avoid going out in it more easily.
I’ve never experienced snowy weather. I think it’s beautiful, but I also think it would be awful to drive/walk around in. I think there are extra things to think about that rain doesn’t have - snow tyres/chains (?), scraping snow off your car, walking around on ice and slipping, shovelling your driveway, snow plows, and wearing thicker clothes. Still, it would be nice to experience, and I’m sure it has benefits, like being nice to play in!
In my opinion, rain and cold is the worst. There is nothing worse than going out first thing in the morning and risking breaking a limb when the ground is like an ice rink. Two weeks ago I was out putting the bins out in the dark and I thought I was stuck, I was terrified to move as it was so slippy! Luckily, I slid along and there were no breakages. The bins were successfully emptied too, which is always a bonus. As for snow, living in the UK, I've never experienced - especially since I live in Scotland- severe snow, just enough for the satisfying crunch when you walk through it leaving your footprints! Snowball fights, me? Never!
I love the rain, but I don't love having it every other day during the winter and especially over the festive period. I'd happily swap it for cold weather with some snow which seems to quite rare here in the UK. If I can't have snow I'd happily taking cold and sunny weather with a thick frost instead as there's something quite refreshing when it comes to cold weather.
I think rain + cold is worse, because wet cold is just bone aching awful. At least with snow + cold, you have a decent chance of it being dry snow over wet snow. Wet snow + cold is worse than rain + cold though.
snow + rain sounds slippery, like the rain will freeze over. voting for the rain + cold combo because i can always bundle up and bring an umbrella. better that then slipping all over the place!