Would you rather live somewhere warm year round or somewhere with 4 proper seasons that gets cold and hot?

That's easy, and without having to even think about it, I'd want to live somewhere warm year-round. I hate the cold and try to stay away from it if possible.
It's hard to say! I have seasonal depression that affects me during the winter, which makes me wonder whether I'd do better if I lived somewhere that was warm all the time. Would I just....not have seasonal depression? But I do also enjoy watching the seasons change, it makes life interesting (except when it changes from fall to winter...lol)
I think I prefer having four distinct seasons here for reasons such as fashion, activities, and themed food and items! However, recently I have been wondering what it would be like living somewhere mostly sunny, warm (72F/22C), and dry year-round. It has been unbearably hot and humid here with unpredictable rain here. I want to go for a run outdoors regularly, but now I would need to go in the early morning or in the late evening and even then I would still be somewhat drenched in sweat.
I live somewhere with four seasons, and I guess I should enjoy the variety, but I honestly just hate winter so much. It's not even just being cold. It's the stress of not knowing if I'll have a hard time getting into work each morning due to dangerous road conditions. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live somewhere hot all the time.
I'd personally rather live somewhere that's cold year-round, but between the 2 choices, I prefer living somewhere with 4 seasons. My body temperature is always extremely warm (to the point I always feel like I have a fever, and I never have to bundle up much during winter), so summer is the worst time of year for me. This summer has especially been hard. The humidity has left me feeling sick, foggy and irritable, and has made sleeping or feeling comfortable hard. I try to go out as little as possible because I just can't stand being out in this weather. Cold showers and sitting in my living room (where there's AC) is my only relief.

I'd love to live somewhere where summer doesn't happen, or at least somewhere where the summers are bearable, but living somewhere that's warm year-round sounds like my personal hell.
I am learning to appreciate winter. It decreases the number of bugs and weeds. It gives time for soil to rest. Though you could dig 4 feet and set up a green house and grow cold vegetables like cabbage in winter technically. Plus no autumn without winter which is just sad.
I think I would prefer living in a place that has all four seasons for the rest of my life.
I could honestly go for either. I currently live in an area with 4 drastically different seasons, and I enjoy the change. With that being said though, I wouldn't mind living somewhere warm or cool year round, depending on if I actually really enjoy the environment there, such as Hawaii (warm) or Vancouver Island (cool).
I prefer four seasons, although I've never lived anywhere that's had what people consider four real, full seasons. Where I grew up Winter was just cool rain and overcast, Spring was constantly overcast, Fall was like three weeks and also overcast, and Summer was mild and sunny. Where I'm at now there's only two real seasons: Winter and Summer. Most of the trees here don't drop leaves in the "Fall" and "Spring" just feels like either a continuation of Winter or an early Summer depending on the year. For example, this year it went from snow in early May straight to a heat wave in a matter of weeks.

Ideally I'd live somewhere where it was mild in the Summer, has a long Autumn and Winter, and a rainy Spring. Sadly I don't know if there's somewhere in America that's like that.
im not sure what i prefer because i've never experienced 4 seasons. it sounds super nice to have changing seasons, though I wouldn't know the caveats of it and frankly im scared to know because I'm super not into cold weather 😅 ive been so used to just wet and dry season so that's all i know.

I'd really love to experience what fall feels like. I've never touched snow in my life so I'd like to experience that too ;w; If anyone sees this comment, what does snow feel like? Is it like slushies, or like cotton balls, or somewhere in between?? what do snowflakes feel like too, are they like really hard or do they easily melt in your hand? im so curious about snow 😭

(And speaking of snow, back in ACNL i loved the winter season so much. It felt like the closest I could get to real snow ;w; felt so happy and magical esp since christmas is my favorite holiday!)
I'd really love to experience what fall feels like. I've never touched snow in my life so I'd like to experience that too ;w; If anyone sees this comment, what does snow feel like? Is it like slushies, or like cotton balls, or somewhere in between?? what do snowflakes feel like too, are they like really hard or do they easily melt in your hand? im so curious about snow 😭
Usually snow feels kind of crunchy and hard, but when it rains it gets slushy. Also, snowflakes are kind of soft and melt in your hand.

This feels so weird to explain what snow feels like
I'm against on the two options of what you suggested.

  • I hate hot weather.
  • I live in a place that gets 4 proper seasons, but I hate how I have to succumb and endure Summer every time it arrives. The only two things I like about Summer is my Birthday and Rita's is open.
My ideal season to live in forever is Fall. It's cool but not cold, the leaves are very pretty and not a lot of annoying bugs are around.
Fall weather makes me feel like I'm in my correct territory you know?