Sent! Enjoy!no thanks, will send the TBT + mine over now !
Sent! Enjoy!no thanks, will send the TBT + mine over now !
Hey jiny! Of coursehi jhine! can i use some of my shop credit to get the blue bauble please? ^^
sure! can you just put these emojis:Hey jiny! Of courseany message?
Anytime! It's been sent! Enjoysure! can you just put these emojis:
thank you!!
Hello! Certainly can! This will give you 85 credit.hey, please could i trade in a silent night bauble for store credit??
Hello! Certainly can! This will give you 85 credit.
Hello again! Definitely canhey again! can i use shop credit + discounts to buy the rebel gnome? c: however much tbt is left ill send your way!
no thanks!! ill send the tbt, thanks so much!!Hello again! Definitely cantotal would be 47 TBT after credit and discounts! Any message?
Hey roseflower! Sounds greatHi Jhine, could I trade in A Rebel Gnome and get Stitches, also using the First message like discount, let me know the remaining TBT, thanks!