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Hiya! Can I cash these in for store credit? ☺️
White tulip
Red tulip
Red rose
White rose
Matryoshka doll
Red holiday candle x2
Yellow candy x4
Black famous mushroom x4
December birthstone
Hiya! Can I cash these in for store credit? ☺️
White tulip
Red tulip
Red rose
White rose
Matryoshka doll
Red holiday candle x2
Yellow candy x4
Black famous mushroom x4
December birthstone
Hello! The collectibles I’m currently accepting for trade-ins are in the spoilers below the table of collectibles already being sold :) do you have any of those you’d like to trade-in?

Right now I’d only be taking in the Red Tulip for 9 credit unfortunately. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hello! The collectibles I’m currently accepting for trade-ins are in the spoilers below the table of collectibles already being sold :) do you have any of those you’d like to trade-in?

Right now I’d only be taking in the Red Tulip for 9 credit unfortunately. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Ohhh I see! Sorry for the misunderstanding 😅 I think I’m good for now, but thank you! Sorry again
Hi. Could I send in the Moon Bunny Fragment for shop credit? I’ll send it now.
May I buy that traded moon bunny frag if you're still selling for 800 please.
Hi. Could I send in the Moon Bunny Fragment for shop credit? I’ll send it now.
Hello! This increased your shop credit to 1956 :)
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May I buy that traded moon bunny frag if you're still selling for 800 please.
Hello! I believe you were looking at another team fragment. The moon bunny frag is up for sale for 1250. Let me know if still interested :) sorry for the inconvenience!
Hi, can I buy your snowflake wand please?
Update: actually I no longer need it, sorry for the inconvenience!
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