Hey Bob Zombie! It is indeedHey Jhine! Is that a Vask spirit candy I spot in the 1250 list…? I have a glam balloon that I’m willing to part with for the 1000 trade in, and 145 credit… let me know what the total remaining would be with any discounts and I’ll send everything today!![]()
No message, sending everything now!Hey Bob Zombie! It is indeedthis trade sounds great to me! Total would be 68 TBT after the trade-in, credit and discounts!
Any message?
Hey Holla! Definitely okayHey Jhine! Can I get the Glam Bunny with shop credit? I’d also like to date trade one of my Sweet Bunnies (again using shop credit).
If this is ok? Thanks!
Hey Holla! Definitely okayany message for either?
Hey digimon! You got it!
Any message? Updated credit will be 500!
No problem at all! This works for me! Updated credit will be 585!i'm so sorry lol i was just about to edit this in but could i trade in the indigo mushroom lamp and a dreamy bear plush instead? i'll send them your way once you confirm ;u; thank you and sorry again