Collectibles: Keep, Sell, or Discard

Sell. Not too keen on feathers

Snow Bunny?
I have one, but I wouldn't mind getting another. Probably Keep, but it'd depend on if there were other things I wanted more at the time.

Chao Easter Egg?
Keep, always regretted selling the one I got from that easter

Dreamy egg
Honestly, sell. I have one but It's not really my favorite.

Pearlescent Crystal?
Sell, only because I could never see myself using any of the crystals in a lineup

Blue Hybrid Pansy?
keep! it’s 1/2 of the plushies i’m missing 🐑💗

black famous mushroom?
Hmm I already have a couple, so probably sell. I do love them though.

Green Star Fragment?
Sell. I only like ISC and Galax frags.

Yellow Candy?
Sell, I can't really think of a lineup I'd want to use it in.

Love Ball?