Color Coordinated Collectables List Remake Thread | Run by Mars / Original by Jacob | [Last Updated: 11/10/24]

thank you so much for this! ^-^
could i ask what collectible this is? :0
View attachment 582868

and i wonder if there are any tradable black halloween collectibles in/before 2017... i'm trying to look for something black to go before my 2017 pink candy 😭
I'm really sorry I haven't been active on TBT for numerous months so I don't really know what goes on this site anymore and my brain has pretty much forgotten my collectable knowledge. I was never good with collectable dates to begin with but I don't think there are any black tradable Halloween collectables that are that old, the lack of black collectables, tradable or not on the site in general is something that has frustrated me for a long time.

I don't know what your lineup plans are but may I suggest either an old Black Feather or Dark Easter egg for your lineup? Those are the only black collectables that can be obtained with a 2017 date or older that I know of right now. I wish you luck on your lineup ambitions and I hope you can get it sorted out somehow.
All brand new mushroom collectables and Halloween 2024 collectables have been added. Let me know if there's any newly released tradable collectables that I missed.
Are you going to add the holiday collectibles from the season of giving? No pressure to do it obviously, I was just wondering 🙂
Are you going to add the holiday collectibles from the season of giving? No pressure to do it obviously, I was just wondering 🙂
It should be fixed now, I believe it was 5 collectables that needed to be added since the last update? Sorry about that, and I appreciate the reminder to be told to update it, I often forget things I intended to do.
I personally do not think the Dreamy Popper collectible belongs under the Pink category, I definitely think it is a pastel collectible though.

I also think that the Salmon Run Egg should be under the Yellow category, the Tera Ball and Chomp Call should be in the Blue category, Crystal tree should be in the Pink (seeing that the sweet balloons are there), the Coal should go into the Black category, the Black Sheep Plush belongs in the Purple category, and the Dino Plush ,Sakura Egg , and Mint should be in the Green Category. IMO anyways!
I personally do not think the Dreamy Popper collectible belongs under the Pink category, I definitely think it is a pastel collectible though.

I also think that the Salmon Run Egg should be under the Yellow category, the Tera Ball and Chomp Call should be in the Blue category, Crystal tree should be in the Pink (seeing that the sweet balloons are there), the Coal should go into the Black category, the Black Sheep Plush belongs in the Purple category, and the Dino Plush ,Sakura Egg , and Mint should be in the Green Category. IMO anyways!
In the past I did say two things about my Color Coordinated Collectable list:

1: It is physically impossible for me to satisfy everyone with my google doc and some users might disagree on the classifications of certain collectables such as the Dino Plush, I'm trying the best I can to make everyone happy with my project.

2: I am open-minded to feedback suggestions if anyone thinks there is a better way for collectables to be organized, if some collectables should be moved to a different color category and if I accidently missed any collectables, though I'm obviously not obligated to adhere to anybody's requests.

With that being said I have considered most but not all of your suggestions:

Color Change Updates Suggested by MrBox
Salmon Run Egg[rainbow] -> [moved to yellow]
Tera Ball[rainbow] -> [moved to blue]
Chomp Call[rainbow -> [moved to blue]
Crystal Tree[rainbow] -> [moved to pink]
Coal[rainbow] -> [moved to black]
Dino Plush[blue] -> [moved to green]
Mint[blue] -> [moved to green]
Sakura Egg[blue] -> [moved to green]

I am not going to be changing the Black Sheep Plush to purple or the Pastel Party Popper to something else that isn't pink
I decided to go get a color selector tool on the Dino Plush, Mint and Sakura Egg to determined whether they should be classified as green or blue and the tool says the hex code of the color of which most of the collectable's pixels consists of is on the green color scale and not blue.
Screenshot 2025-03-13 084929.jpg
Screenshot 2025-03-13 084947.jpg
Screenshot 2025-03-13 085113.jpg
Screenshot 2025-03-13 085126.jpg
Screenshot 2025-03-13 085506.jpg
Screenshot 2025-03-13 085520.jpg
Looking back, I guess at the time I decided to dump all of the arcade collectables into rainbow due to their backdrops which I'm not really sure why I made that decision in the past seeing as I focus on the color the collectable primarily consists of on the main body itself and not the backdrop...

Anyways I decided to move some more collectable's color placements
[rainbow] -> Yellow
[rainbow] -> Green
[rainbow] -> White/Grey/Silver
[rainbow] -> White/Grey/Silver
[rainbow] -> Purple
[rainbow] -> Blue
[rainbow] -> Yellow​
In the past I did say two things about my Color Coordinated Collectable list:

1: It is physically impossible for me to satisfy everyone with my google doc and some users might disagree on the classifications of certain collectables such as the Dino Plush, I'm trying the best I can to make everyone happy with my project.

2: I am open-minded to feedback suggestions if anyone thinks there is a better way for collectables to be organized, if some collectables should be moved to a different color category and if I accidently missed any collectables, though I'm obviously not obligated to adhere to anybody's requests.

With that being said I have considered most but not all of your suggestions:

Color Change Updates Suggested by MrBox
Salmon Run Egg[rainbow] -> [moved to yellow]
Tera Ball[rainbow] -> [moved to blue]
Chomp Call[rainbow -> [moved to blue]
Crystal Tree[rainbow] -> [moved to pink]
Coal[rainbow] -> [moved to black]
Dino Plush[blue] -> [moved to green]
Mint[blue] -> [moved to green]
Sakura Egg[blue] -> [moved to green]

I am not going to be changing the Black Sheep Plush to purple or the Pastel Party Popper to something else that isn't pink
I decided to go get a color selector tool on the Dino Plush, Mint and Sakura Egg to determined whether they should be classified as green or blue and the tool says the hex code of the color of which most of the collectable's pixels consists of is on the green color scale and not blue.
Looking back, I guess at the time I decided to dump all of the arcade collectables into rainbow due to their backdrops which I'm not really sure why I made that decision in the past seeing as I focus on the color the collectable primarily consists of on the main body itself and not the backdrop...

Anyways I decided to move some more collectable's color placements
[rainbow] -> Yellow
[rainbow] -> Green
[rainbow] -> White/Grey/Silver
[rainbow] -> White/Grey/Silver
[rainbow] -> Purple
[rainbow] -> Blue
[rainbow] -> Yellow​
Cool! And like I said, these are only my opinions. The Black Sheep Plush may have the word black in the name , but the color of the sheep is not black. It's tinted purple like how the Chomp Call is blue tinted but is supposed to be black.
A lot of these are really loosey goosey with how it's organized from what I saw, like how the Shadow Cats, (more light Grey) Vesta and Ghastly (purple but darker /similar than/to the sheep) are under purple , the Butterfly and Prismatic Egg being under white, and how there are a lot of things that are teal under the blue section cause there's no inbetween category..

I do have a suggestion for the inbetween colors. I might make an example later but you could make a gradient. So for example the beginning of blue could be the teal color collectables, then actually blue then at the end of blue , the more purple coded blue collectibles.
But nonetheless I really like the spreadsheet! The yellow , red and green section are my favorites!
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For the Black Sheep , IMO it's like how the "Black" Slop Suit from Splatoon 3 has black in the name but is not REALLY black.

Although the Black Sheep definitely is darker than the slop suit pictured above haha
Anyways that's just a personal gripe of mine! I did not really expect you to take any of my suggestions into consideration since colors is a tricky subject
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