thanks for playing, bbl
mob (from previous thread)
eve7 (PM)
noctis (PM)
Hi guys, I'm new here and trying to earn NH items for the grind... I'd like to offer chibi flat color sketches, and I can draw anything. AC animals/Characters/OCs ect.
Here's the sample I whipped up just now of my own AC character:
Here's some other examples of my chibis: Low effort || High Effort || Dead Tumblr of Old
I'll have one 15 NMT/3mill slot and one bribe slot, which you can use if the first is full or you want to try to get me to draw more.
I'm new here so if these prices seem off please let me know!
1. [reg]
2. [bribe]
Here is a form:
Here's the sample I whipped up just now of my own AC character:

Here's some other examples of my chibis: Low effort || High Effort || Dead Tumblr of Old
I'll have one 15 NMT/3mill slot and one bribe slot, which you can use if the first is full or you want to try to get me to draw more.

I'm new here so if these prices seem off please let me know!
1. [reg]
2. [bribe]
Here is a form:
Character reference:
Notes: (Specific pose, expression, prop, ect)
mob (from previous thread)
eve7 (PM)
noctis (PM)
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