Colors 3DS Pieces

I love Avatar and Pokemon! Awesome drawings!!

Here are all of mine:







Those are all I got, haven't been on 3D Colors in a while doe

Here's my profile to check out all my art:
Awesome drawings Sockhead, Could I possibly use one for my avatar? I really like the first one! :D
Wow SockHead those are really cool!! I love the Blue Typhlosion :) that is my favorite pokemon too!! I've been wanting to draw one for my Avatar!
I like it, you can re-do it if you want, but idc
Wow, you did a very nice job on the Avatar drawings! You even drew a picture of the fire ferret from the Legend of Kora!
Wow, these look actually better than the real ones on TV :-O Good job! And Sockhead did an amazing job, too! How many artists are around here? :D btw, that Pikachu is not fat xD it's really cute! :D