Selling 🍀🍀Come Catalog a bunch of 2.0 Items! Closed. 🍀🍀

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  1. Bells
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Hello, can I please touch trade:

Dress mannequin
Framed photos container
Fine vase
Flower bed
Flower display case
Crane game
Gaming desk
Metal pot
Model kits
Steam roller
Tablet device

And buy

1x sugar cane
1x tomato

For 350k igb?
Sure if you're okay finding them on my island. lol It's a bit of a mess
What's your in-game name?
Hey I'm interested in cataloging the Kitchen Counter, Kitchen Dishwasher, Professional Headphones, Simple Shaded Lamp and Tangled Cords.
How much do you want in return? If want I have some vehicles you can catalog.
Hey there I'll be able to do that, what vehicles do you have?
hi, could i come catalog a bunch of stuff?

i only have the peacock chair, porcelain vase, and evergreen ash from your list. but i can also pay 75 tbt!
Hi there! Once you're open again I'd love to come by and catalogue! I can pay 100 TBT and will be available tomorrow night any time past 6:30pm Pacific time, whatever works best!
i'd like to come again to catalogue all your newer 2.0 items, whenever you're open again :3

like last time, 100 tbt's fine :>
Hi there! Once you're open again I'd love to come by and catalogue! I can pay 100 TBT and will be available tomorrow night any time past 6:30pm Pacific time, whatever works best!
Sounds good message me when you're on :)

Whenever you're open again, would love to come catalog for 100tbt :)
Open again now for the next 10 hours or so, let me know when you're available!
i'd like to come again to catalogue all your newer 2.0 items, whenever you're open again :3

like last time, 100 tbt's fine :>
They're a little bit mixed in but you're more than welcome to come back! :)
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