Mafia Cop 9er mafia thread


Training to become a pro Isabelle in smash
Jul 18, 2021
Throwback Tickets
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Clownfish Plush
Bee Plush
Dino Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2021 Patch
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Tasty Cake
A giant frog hopped outside the grocery store, crushing everything in its path, as blooming pushed a cart through the store. “Hmm, lucky charms! Don’t mind it I do.” She thought aloud. She rolled her cart to the checkout and paid for the food. As she exited the building, she heard the loud stomping sound, and when she looked up, she saw the frog. “What the…? Oh NO!” She exclaimed, but it was too late for her. The frog hippity-hopped onto her, leaving only her shopping list behind…

“Listen up recruits!” Geoni yelled. “Apocalypse is nigh, and we need a plan! As many of you have probably noticed, a number of extremely odd occurrences have been happening around town. We need to stop them. We have word that two traitors have started this, and it’s up to all of us to uncover who. If we don’t, well, you all know what happened to blooming.”

“Sir!” A random person shouted. “I think we found the traitors agenda!” He handed geoni the paper.

Geoni examined it for a moment. “This isn’t an agenda!” He shouted. “This is blooming’s shopping list! Into the hole with you!” He chucked the man into a wormhole, and the wormhole closed up. “Oh, and in case you were wondering, that’s been here the whole time.”

“Sir, I have a question!” Miss misty said loudly.

“Yes?” Geoni said.

“How do we know you aren’t one of the traitors?” She asked.

“That is a great question…which I…don’t really have an answer to.”

Miss Misty rolled her eyes, unsatisfied with his response.

“What about the new recruit?!” Betsy blurted. “Aren’t you going to address him?”

“Ah, I almost forgot. NEW RECRUIT!!!” Geoni bellowed, making everyone jump. “What is your name?”

“Uh…G-ghost, sir…” He replied, sweating. “I’m blooming’s b-brother.”

“Are you ready to go onto that battlefield and avenge your sister? Even knowing you might die?”

“Uh…” Ghost said nervously, clearly having second thoughts. “…maybe???”

“Great! Everyone, this is ghost! He’s going to be on the team now!”

The room erupted into cheers.


Droqen looked through his binoculars, assessing all danger in the area. “Hmph!” He growled. “Everyone else is working on strategies and stuff and we got the lookout team!”

“Hey, I don’t like it either, but that’s just the way it goes.” Sheep villager said.

“Incoming! Giant dog! It’s…stopping to poo. Huh. Never mind, Coast is clear, but that dog just destroyed New York. Should we be worried?” Tessa said.

“Uh, yeah!” Bianca said. “We should definitely be worried! That’s really bad! Hang on, is that a ufo?”

“Guys, we can’t be seen!” Armadillo said. “Everyone, get back to the bunker! The general needs to know about this…”

Day One has begun
As a heads up SOD/EOD will land near midnight for me.

I should be able to be here just fine for EOD voting and all that, but SOD may be quiet for me because I only have a few hours before I need to drop unconscious.
@b100ming Just double checking, what time is EOD officially going to be? I know it was originally 3 pm est, but are we swapping to 4 pm est due to the delay or what.
Ready to vote already?

Insider information? Or just ye olde poking of hives and kicking of old dogs.... 😆 😜
See this is where I'd drop a vote on you for replying to that... if the thread wasn't locked 😤 How are we supposed to RVS if we can't vote?

But really we've kinda been yanking b100ming a million different ways about the setup with changes and suggestions so she may have just overlooked that after everything with the voting system and the new game thread etc, so I do just want to make sure it gets done
See this is where I'd drop a vote on you for replying to that... if the thread wasn't locked 😤 How are we supposed to RVS if we can't vote?

But really we've kinda been yanking b100ming a million different ways about the setup with changes and suggestions so she may have just overlooked that after everything with the voting system and the new game thread etc, so I do just want to make sure it gets done

First - what's RVS?
Also, would be a mistake, because I'm town...
Although, if another person too eagerly joined in on that vote right away, I'd have a target for my own vote.
Might be a good strategy...
RVS = random voting stage. Meme votes, poke/push votes, etc... Basically the part of day one where you throw crud at the wall and see what sticks.
For some reason I didn't get notified that I as pinged... watching the thread now so glad I'm not too late!
Post automatically merged:

For some reason I didn't get notified that I as pinged... watching the thread now so glad I'm not too late!
was pinged**
(the amount of spelling and grammar errors i make is absolutely horrendous apologies in advance😭)