Coronavirus and preorders

In light of these events, I'm wondering if Nintendo will honor digital download codes for those who ordered a physical copy of the game but don't have the financial means to purchase a digital copy in order to play on release day... but then again, I doubt that would actually happen, haha.

Glad I ordered digital and pre-downloaded, fingers crossed the internet holds out until Friday!
Relieved because I got an email from Game telling me that my switch is being processed and will be shipped on Thursday! I'm so glad because I was really worried they would cancel.
My stores are still open, so I will be getting it at 10 in the morning rather then at midnight. The coronavirus is really going wild, huh?
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My stores are still open, so I will be getting it at 10 in the morning rather then at midnight. The coronavirus is really going wild, huh?

I got confirmation from my Walmart that they have stock ready for Friday morning when I called yesterday. Just need to hope stores remain open in my area before then.
I really hope not. I'm paranoid that my local mall is going to cease operations before Friday. They're already operating on reduced hours - no longer open on Sunday's and close at 7 every night. But hopefully all is well and I can still pick up my copy on Friday after work... I really don't want a digital copy and I don't want to have to purchase digitally just to play on release day.
I'm going digital... but as part of the AC Switch bundle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. As long as the postal service is still going, it should be okay.
I am so not okay with a digital copy but worst case scenario I'll have to buy digital and then purchase a physical once the price has gone down. But hoping my store (gamestop) stays open. So far, no news of it shutting down. My fiance works there and so far the midnight release is also still going strong.
I'm going to pick mine up from GameStop and Im concerned about it closing, mine is not in a mall though so I have hope that it will be open.
i cancelled my preorder and decided to buy a digital copy instead because i was unsure if i was going to be able to get to the store and if it would even be open. i prefer being on the safe side
Corona seems to be making a temporary Switch shortage. I've noticed non-Lites are getting harder to find. I went out and bought a Switch today because of that.

I don't expect the game to be hard to find though, so my plan is still to go out on Friday morning and pick it up.
Corona seems to be making a temporary Switch shortage. I've noticed non-Lites are getting harder to find. I went out and bought a Switch today because of that.

I don't expect the game to be hard to find though, so my plan is still to go out on Friday morning and pick it up.

Games definitely won't be difficult to find, many stores get their stock into their warehouse a week in advance. Good retailers will often get a stock one week prior, the day before and the day of release, then a refresher stock one week after.

To clarify on this, I called Walmart yesterday to ask if they could confirm they had stock in ready for Friday, in light of the COVID19 issues going on and I was told they have stock in ready for Friday morning.
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I may just have to double dip at this point and buy a digital copy.
The remaining money was taken out of my account yesterday for my physical copy coming from EB Games. But, if the order doesn’t ship out today, then there’s no chance I’ll get it by Friday depending on where it’s coming from within my country. (It’s the 18th here in Australia.)

I would have just cancelled the order but I’d really like the pre-order bonus.
It might come earlier than the 26th.

I pre-ordered my game and my Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch Lite case from Target online. I remember the estimated date for my Switch case was around the day before the game release, March 19th.

My case was shipped on Thursday of last week and I just got it on Monday of this week.

When I went to check on my order for the game today, it now looks like this.
View attachment 232328
My case looked like this last Tuesday

It shipped from Texas, not far from where I live (South Carolina)...I wonder if my game is coming from there as well.

^_^ that’s good to know, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I’m actually going to wait until the 20th (it’s been stuck in the estimated stage for a while so of course I’m a bit worried)
Finally just decided to go digital. My game shop will be closed for a few weeks to a month because of government orders closing malls and retail shops to curb the virus and I couldn’t wait that long. I’ll just be refunding my payment for the physical copy once they open after the lockdown.
Finally just decided to go digital. My game shop will be closed for a few weeks to a month because of government orders closing malls and retail shops to curb the virus and I couldn’t wait that long. I’ll just be refunding my payment for the physical copy once they open after the lockdown.

I'm leaning towards digital now as well... Stores likely won't close, but I'm 'high risk' due to myself being extremely prone to respiratory infection and I'm hesitating to use public transport.

As much as I want physical... my health and safety is important. I need to think it over a bit longer.
I'm leaning towards digital now as well... Stores likely won't close, but I'm 'high risk' due to myself being extremely prone to respiratory infection and I'm hesitating to use public transport.

As much as I want physical... my health and safety is important. I need to think it over a bit longer.

Better safe than sorry, friend! I think you are making a wise decision. :)
Better safe than sorry, friend! I think you are making a wise decision. :)

Yeah. I made my mind up just now after talking with a few people. As much as I don't want to, I decided to go digital just this once. My health and safety is more important to me than a small preference.

Edit: I've purchased. I've committed to this now.
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