Coronavirus and preorders

Yeah. I made my mind up just now after talking with a few people. As much as I don't want to, I decided to go digital just this once. My health and safety is more important to me than a small preference.

This will enlighten you to how great digital is for a game like Animal Crossing. Just buy the physical in a couple years when you can grab it for $20.
This will enlighten you to how great digital is for a game like Animal Crossing. Just buy the physical in a couple years when you can grab it for $20.

Yeah, I've nothing against digital but considering circumstances, its probably best I get digital this time around. I do play other games pretty actively so this will save me a bit of trouble in the end. I can also play at 12AM with the rest of you guys!

I'm feeling a bit better about this already. Just a little, though. Still bummed out I won't have the case to put on my computer shelf.
GameMania decided to close after Thursday and therefore they decided to release ACNH and Doom early. Meaning that when I saw the package was sent, it is actually on its way over to my house. Got a confirmation email as well, stating it will arrive this afternoon. But I am also writing my thesis this semester and have a pretty important deadline Thursday night. So I made an agreement with myself that I'm not allowed to play before I hand in my research design aaaah. Then at least I can take a long weekend from Fri-Sun :D

Really hope everyone can still get their copies. And for those who decide to go digital because health is more important: very good. It's the wise decision to make in that case.
GameMania decided to close after Thursday and therefore they decided to release ACNH and Doom early. Meaning that when I saw the package was sent, it is actually on its way over to my house. Got a confirmation email as well, stating it will arrive this afternoon. But I am also writing my thesis this semester and have a pretty important deadline Thursday night. So I made an agreement with myself that I'm not allowed to play before I hand in my research design aaaah. Then at least I can take a long weekend from Fri-Sun :D

Really hope everyone can still get their copies. And for those who decide to go digital because health is more important: very good. It's the wise decision to make in that case.

All that matters is one thing: you're getting it!
As of this week, just about everything in my state is being shut down (except Walmart, cuz food). I'm currently glad I ordered through "Wally-world" and that it's going to be delivery and not pickup. The thought of going to GameStop in this mess was giving me the chills...
As of this week, just about everything in my state is being shut down (except Walmart, cuz food). I'm currently glad I ordered through "Wally-world" and that it's going to be delivery and not pickup. The thought of going to GameStop in this mess was giving me the chills...

Same reason why I decided to go with digital this one time. Anxiety about my health and safety was just too much to bear.
Hi all, greetings from Italy.
As you know here the situation is very serious :( .
I preordered (and paid) a physical copy but now the shop is closed.
I choosed to buy also a digital version.. 4 hours of download (my internet isn't very fast) but I don't regret it.
I need something joyful like this game to cope with anxiety. It's a difficult period for everyone and I think that Animal Crossing can help a bit.
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Hi all, greetings from Italy.
As you know here the situation is very serious :( .
I preordered (and paid) a physical copy but now the shop is closed.
I choosed to buy also a digital version.. 4 hours of download (my internet isn't very fast) but I don't regret it.
I need something joyful like this game to cope with anxiety. It's a difficult period for everyone and I think that Animal Crossing can help a bit.

I'm glad you were able to get it digitally! New Horizons really does seem like a ray of sunshine om a grey day doesn't it? I hope it helps to keep your spirits up! Best wishes to you and yours!
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In light of these events, I'm wondering if Nintendo will honor digital download codes for those who ordered a physical copy of the game but don't have the financial means to purchase a digital copy in order to play on release day... but then again, I doubt that would actually happen, haha.

Glad I ordered digital and pre-downloaded, fingers crossed the internet holds out until Friday!

I'm relieved that I pre-downloaded it too, but why are you worried about the internet? Unless you're wanting to play online? you've got me confused now.
mine is getting delivered from game. i placed the order just last night because i was saving money and i wont be surprised that its not delivered on time if the coronavirus affects things but it should be alright.
I have to cancel my preorder due to Gamestop canceling their midnight release :( Gonna go digital now
I just got a notification that my order has been processed. So hopefully it'll arrive on time or maybe even tomorrow. :blush:
And it’s going to be delivered almost a week after release, of course...guess I’ll start a NL town then... I can’t even be bother ATM to digital download...maybe once I get over this disappointment, I’ll do it that way (I ordered on the 5th of February, what’s the point of preorder if you only get it a week after launch?)
I’m starting to think that ordering the digital copy and cancelling my physical is a good idea. I don’t think I want to go to Walmart.
I’m starting to think that ordering the digital copy and cancelling my physical is a good idea. I don’t think I want to go to Walmart.

I'm on the same boat, literally decided against physical even though I really wanted it in favour of digital. Pre-loaded last night.
I'm on the same boat, literally decided against physical even though I really wanted it in favour of digital. Pre-loaded last night.

I know! I always buy physical. This will be a first for me. I really wanted physical, but these are bad times. It looks like they are about to quarantine my area, and a bunch of new cases were reported recently, so I don’t want to risk it.
Mine got shipped this morning, potentially arriving tomorrow. Best of luck to everyone getting theirs in a timely manner, we all need our lil island escape :]
I know! I always buy physical. This will be a first for me. I really wanted physical, but these are bad times. It looks like they are about to quarantine my area, and a bunch of new cases were reported recently, so I don’t want to risk it.

Yeah... felt so weird seeing a full release Nintendo title downloading on my Switch last night. My county has like 25 'probable' cases, some even in my city. None are lab confirmed, but honestly with me being high risk I just decided the risk to my health and safety wasn't worth it. So I went digital.