Coronavirus and preorders

When I talked to Best Buy's customer service yesterday, I was told that the warehouses and such for online orders are, as of right now, not being affected by COVID-19. And my pre-order is now "getting ready" fingers crossed my game shows up by Friday, because I REALLY don't wanna go digital.
Word is that malls will closed in nys starting Thursday the gamestop in the mall I order the game original at said we can pick up orders once the malls reopen again...that copy was to go to my friend since I got it on the switch.
Amazon shipped mine yesterday for delivery Friday. The problem is I'm a teacher, and I had it shipped to my school. We closed down yesterday. I'm on hold with UPS now to see if I can change the delivery address.
Thankfully I already know that the Switches and games have already arrived here, and the chances of a full lockdown happening tomorrow is very little (fingers crossed, please no more cases today!). I consider myself very lucky since it's not that bad in my country right now, but I sympathise with everyone affected by it :( Best of luck to everyone, I hope you all get your games!
I am still torn between my selfish desire to get my fully-paid-for, preordered physical copy from EB Games this Friday, and my rational side telling me to just suck it up, get an eshop card at work tomorrow (because my job can't be canceled, yay for us working at WM), and suffer through slow download times with my slow and cheap internet (because I am poor and can't afford the super fast internet) and get it digitally so I don't leave my appartment unnecessarily like the government expects us all to.
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I am still torn between my selfish desire to get my fully-paid-for, preordered physical copy from EB Games this Friday, and my rational side telling me to just suck it up, get an eshop card at work tomorrow (because my job can't be canceled, yay for us working at WM), and suffer through slow download times with my slow and cheap internet (because I am poor and can't afford the super fast internet) and get it digitally so I don't leave my appartment unnecessarily like the government expects us all to.

Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm gonna pick my physical copy up from EB Games. Don't feel too much guilt about it really, especially since less people are out anyway.
i sadly have to wait till friday to go pick my game up sadly. i wish gamestop would give them out tomorrow early, not as a midnight release as intended previously.. but like, just walk in a pick it up if you can :[ but yeah, i'll have to go in till friday morning. i want a physical for sure, especially b/c preorder came with a nice double sided poster (first come, first serve). my cousin also doesn't want his switch so i might buy it from him bit by bit, so a physical copy to share on both would be greaaaat. in future, i intend to also get digital on my original switch i'm using now <3
Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm gonna pick my physical copy up from EB Games. Don't feel too much guilt about it really, especially since less people are out anyway.

I’m getting it at EB games too. I’m not sure if I should feel guilty for going outside... I don’t quite know how serious it is in my area, but there are no reported cases in my town.
I am still torn between my selfish desire to get my fully-paid-for, preordered physical copy from EB Games this Friday, and my rational side telling me to just suck it up, get an eshop card at work tomorrow (because my job can't be canceled, yay for us working at WM), and suffer through slow download times with my slow and cheap internet (because I am poor and can't afford the super fast internet) and get it digitally so I don't leave my appartment unnecessarily like the government expects us all to.

we aren't even on quarantine but i already sucked up the fact that I'm dropping to my local cvs early morning tomorrow before work to buy some eshop cards and download the game while at work.

like i mentioned even if we aren't on quarantine they still want us to take precautions and while half of me I doesn't care also my other me wants to be safe.
I think I'm going to end up buying a digital copy because I want to play my game as soon as possible... I don't know what time my shipment will arrive. ugh this is so frustrating :mad: