
My step sister is going to Japan in a week and I’m like why?? Just cancel it. This is the problem, nobody thinks they’re actually at risk of getting it then they travel and catch it and spread it more
I don't know if it helps you feel easier but I'm from Japan and it's actually not that bad situation over here at all. Depending on what area she's visiting though. If it's popular traditional area in east Japan like Kyoto, Nara, fewer risk than usual as with those spots almost empty right now. If she keeps wearing medical masks, and not like licking her fingers all the time without washing it almost zero risk honestly.
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I’m sad. Huge events are being cancelled. In most places the growth of the virus isn’t slowly down. Celebrities are getting it now. The world is bleak. I feel like we’re going to be living in the apocalypse if this gets worse instead of better.

As someone who’s young and naive, why? Is it normal for everything under the sun to get cancelled? Is it because there’s no vaccine or cure? Was it like this with other bad sicknesses like H1N1 a decade ago? What makes COVID-19 any different from a flu strain?
My main takeaway from the coronavirus is that my opinion of people being stupid and disgusting is massively reinforced given how even Costco is selling out of bulk packets of 120 toilet rolls which people are buying multiple packets of for some reason (which for comparison took my house of 4 adults, 2 male 2 female, 3-4 months to get through) and that it's only now people are deciding to learn how to wash their hands or buy toiletries to wash their hands.

I would understand the toilet roll at least if one of the symptoms was 'excessive crapping', but it's not. I don't know why peoples first thought is "oh no, a virus, better go and buy about 500 toilet rolls, 12 gallons of soap and enough pasta to give an pig a stroke!".
and that it's only now people are deciding to learn how to wash their hands

I agree that it’s confusing. Washing hands is important, but there have many epidemics for as long as time itself. What makes this one any different(aside from being a pandemic now)? :confused:
and that it's only now people are deciding to learn how to wash their hands or buy toiletries to wash their hands.

yeah i dont get how ppl cannot wash their hands after grabbin your privates full of crap like.. ewww.

i really hope they find a way to deal with it and not having as rabid spreading soon..not only so it doesn't kill more people but it's frustrating for everyone..
yeah i dont get how ppl cannot wash their hands after grabbin your privates full of crap like.. ewww.

This is me at my moms job. Honestly they leave the bathroom and go straight back to their seat. I was shocked. Also when they're sick or not they don't cover their mouths with their hand or elbow when they sneeze or cough. Coming here once in a while for the past 3 years has left me appalled.
This is me at my moms job. Honestly they leave the bathroom and go straight back to their seat. I was shocked. Also when they're sick or not they don't cover their mouths with their hand or elbow when they sneeze or cough. Coming here once in a while for the past 3 years has left me appalled.

Ughhh.. also when parents don't tell off their kids when they sneeze straight out in the open like bruthur stay at home
Both my university and my workplace are temporarily closed... and my friend who I've been around a lot recently is currently getting tested, so if it's positive I have to be in a quarantine. This will be a strange couple weeks... ><
There is a rumour that starting sometime next week, everything in my country has to shut down except for supermarkets, pharmacies and doctors (so all movie theatres, gyms etc.). Companies will have to offer working from home arrangements as far as possible.
I am hoping countries like the US which limit sick days and paid time off learn from this and increase the amount of time they allow workers to be home while sick without penalizing them...
I cant tell you how many times I went to work and school feeling HORRIBLE and probably contagious but I used up my sick days or couldn't afford to miss a day.

It also goes to show these things ARE possible to implement but workplaces choose not to. ("We cant afford to increase your sick days!" "You're only part time you cant have any PTO for your surgery")
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As someone who?s young and naive, why? Is it normal for everything under the sun to get cancelled? Is it because there?s no vaccine or cure? Was it like this with other bad sicknesses like H1N1 a decade ago? What makes COVID-19 any different from a flu strain?
The less people that are going out, the less people there are to potentially take up hospital beds. Many deaths are being caused by the lack of beds available in ICUs and hospital care capacity in general (China had built a temporary hospital in order to combat this problem). Until they can get the virus under control, the best thing to keep everyone safe is minimize the chance of them contracting it, and since people can be asymptomatic for up to two weeks even people that look and feel healthy can spread it.
109 confirmed cases here in Finland now, and every day the number is growing. Events are being cancelled and they are considering closing schools. Most of the cases are from people who have traveled abroad and are now returning back home.
There is a rumour that starting sometime next week, everything in my country has to shut down except for supermarkets, pharmacies and doctors (so all movie theatres, gyms etc.). Companies will have to offer working from home arrangements as far as possible.

Happened here already, so don't be surprised if it happens, haha. It feels so weird tho!
All schools and colleges closed until the 29th, and my university has just sent out an email saying all lectures will be delivered electronically for the rest of the semester. Pretty crazy since this is the last semester of my degree... Unless I need to pick something up from the library or whatever, I probably won't be on campus again until graduation.

Still have to work retail though :)
Today my university notified us that the school is remaining open for the time being, but you no longer require a doctor's note to miss a class. I think this is a good move because I can't tell you how many times I've gone to school sick because I knew I wouldn't be able to visit a doctor and get a note. I really really hope we don't have to shut down because I only have three weeks of classes and one exam left to complete my degree...I don't want anything to delay me being done school in April because I'll be working full time come May.
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My school is still open despite every college in my state being switched to online classes. Probably due to us being borderline ready to close due to debt however lol.
But I have a cold right now so I'm hoping no one starts screaming at me to go home :c
Canada here, we are up above 100 cases now and things are just starting to shut down. Both NBA (Basketball) and NHL (Hockey) seasons are suspended until further notice. Tim Horton's annual Roll Up the Rim contest is limited to an app as they aren't doing the cups. Our (first?) University is cancelling classes and events due to the virus. Sounds like our Prime Minister is likely to have the virus (his wife is sick and currently waiting on test results). Even Nascar racing in the United States aren't allowing any fans for the next two races (info on all races after that are TBD).

Nothing directly in my neck of the woods yet but any day now I know it'll spread to my area.
Alright, it?s happened?my university is closing until mid April despite us not having had a single case within the community >.<

I really understand being cautious and proactive, but this sucks. I rely on the structure of attending class daily to keep me motivated, and the thought of dealing with an increased load of completely self-paced work is stressing me out already.
I did not sign up for online classes for good reason; if this goes on for more than a few weeks, they should offer us a refund or at the very least allow us to withdraw from the classes to not risk ******* up our GPA.

I realize this is a novel situation that we all need to adjust to. Of course I?m for being responsible and protecting those more vulnerable. But still. This really sucks.