I've read through the post in the link above.
I never mean to sound rude here. I really don't. I understand where their thought is coming from, never out of evil intention (of course, whey would it be). But actually this kind of article doesn't give my question a valid answer. All they're talking about there is just the repeat of personal impression on how bad/rapid it spread in their country Italy. Being cautious and hysteria are different things.
I knew it's going so terrible in Italy past week. I am so sorry for the situation and people there.
Like I mentioned earlier, in my county Japan nothing has been going crazy. No confusion (except for those who run schools), no shut downs, no hysteria, no empty shelves except for masks - things have been going pretty normal since the beginning, if not so many visitors in the travel spot doesn't count. That's at most honestly. Actually, what the people are worried kinda much right now over here is, that your actions during past 2 weeks will be investigated if you tested positive. We are saying "can't let that happen..." lol
We have the highest percentage of elderly population in the world. Close to 30% (28.3% or something) of Japanese people are over 65 years old. 30%, guys. Italy follows us, 23% of population are elderly in Italy. Why it's going so different over here and there has the reason, despite both are the 2 top in terms of elderly population.
Dense connection between China in terms of business - a lot traveled between Italy and China.
Bad economy that had to shut down hospitals/medical care buildings ahead of this.
Medical infrastructure has been poorly maintained due to that. - That was the biggest factor I'd assume.
Then there's other factors. Such as habit of intimate physical communication, or trait of being optimistic. - This part would be the point of the Tweet from said person in the link.
Not pointing out these factors and just repeating how bad it's been going, and telling people to be aware how serious it is, this article is - even if not on purpose - giving wrong impression on what we should do. That's how I view this Tweet. It's as though.. all due to not taking it serious caused the situation, which I would prove wrong, because, look at how it's been going in Japan?
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It's just a name to mock entitled, obnoxious, middle-aged woman.