
Yeah this hoarding is overboard unless you're like shopping for other people and handing it around, also if you are shopping for yourself and you're not a large family it's insane... like you'd most likely still be able to get out worst case to buy food and pharmacy stuff if anything. Unless you're hoarding like stuff for hospitals or volunteer health workers.. don't.

It’s annoying cause I’m out of pasta but I want more to eat, but everyone is hoarding it... so I’m like should I hoard it too so I have enough? But then I realise I’m poor so can’t afford to hoard anything
It’s annoying cause I’m out of pasta but I want more to eat, but everyone is hoarding it... so I’m like should I hoard it too so I have enough? But then I realise I’m poor so can’t afford to hoard anything

nah just buy your normal dose of it, they will eventually restock..
It was beginning of March when I posted about toilet rolls disappearing from store shelves over here in Japan. it has starting to get back to normal since a few days ago. Articles told me that it was not because running out of resources or anything but because transportation to deliver the stock to each shops just wasn't able to catch up with the speed people buying them up.

Also.. I'm kinda serious here, can someone please tell me why you guys are so freaking out?
In my country Japan, no one is freaking out like that, while we are way closer to China than States or Europe, and have regular percentage of confirmed cases. Even though schools decided to have longer spring break due to our prime minister deciding it, no shops are close over here and we all go to work as usual - so does my best friend who have incurable immune disease or I having base health issues and both of us are not young. But we are not being scare like how people talking about it here. Seriously, why?
The "case study" of Italy shows what's going to happen if we don't start social distancing now:

I'm glad our government is taking this seriously, even though it's going to cost a lot.
I'm so tired of people hoarding like crazy and I can't even walk on the aisle to get something that I need to eat for the week. Our governor already told us not to panic buy and to calm down and to just live our lives normally!!!
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I'm so tired of people hoarding like crazy and I can't even walk on the aisle to get something that I need to eat for the week. Our governor already told us not to panic buy and to calm down and to just live our lives normally!!!

Yeah. Stores WILL restock, and also stocking up your house with instant ramen that is probs more chemicals than actual food will kill you faster. And just use shower for toilet needs or worst case go out to the forest and poop, great nutrition for trees so we can make more paper!
Yeah. Stores WILL restock, and also stocking up your house with instant ramen that is probs more chemicals than actual food will kill you faster. And just use shower for toilet needs or worst case go out to the forest and poop, great nutrition for trees so we can make more paper!

I dont think going into the forest is going to solve the issue of wiping your butt...Maybe if people were hoarding toilets, which genuinely wouldn't surprise me at this point.
I dont think going into the forest is going to solve the issue of wiping your butt...Maybe if people were hoarding toilets, which genuinely wouldn't surprise me at this point.

I mean you can poop in a bush on in your garden more like it, and you can use some leaves as paper or use a garden watering device lol. #freethebutt
So we just went to Costco and there was no one in there and lots of food; even non perishables. The only thing not there was TP lol. So it's true that the stores restock.

But like... after the crazy freak out, where is everyone? Are they all just in hiding now or what.
So we just went to Costco and there was no one in there and lots of food; even non perishables. The only thing not there was TP lol. So it's true that the stores restock.

But like... after the crazy freak out, where is everyone? Are they all just in hiding now or what.

They are confined to their bomb shelters hoarding their TP and hissing at any who try to take a roll.
I don’t get it. What makes TP so special compared to other supplies?

I think the saddest thing is that if people had prepared earlier, things wouldn’t be as bad now.
They are confined to their bomb shelters hoarding their TP and hissing at any who try to take a roll.

I hope they stay there for a while! Makes the lines shorter for the rest of us!!

My bf and I considered going to the movies because there would probably be nobody there to avoid getting sick lol
Might be wrong but toilet paper dissolves in water so if people stock up while being in their homes, then they should have enough until the coronavirus issue is done. If you use any other paper, it'll clog the toilet and now you have a clogged toilet.

Or maybe some other reason. I don't even know :p
I hope they stay there for a while! Makes the lines shorter for the rest of us!!

My bf and I considered going to the movies because there would probably be nobody there to avoid getting sick lol

Same, if the weather gets better I could def go outside lol and be alone.

But yeah hoping we're reaching top of the mountain soon so we can start to be less panicky.
Ireland is thankfully taking more drastic measures and after shutting all schools and colleges on Thursday, our government is also now closing bars and probably restaurants too. Considering how small our population is in comparison to other European countries, our numbers have jumped so much in the last week so I really hope this slows things down.

As a student, it's frustrating to see other students acting like the virus is nothing and still partying and mixing. The attitude of 'we're young, we'll be fine' is getting on my nerves because new studies are indicating that 30% of people in the 18-30 age group are asymptomatic carriers. The last thing I want is for my grandmother or parents to catch the virus because people aren't being even a little careful. You don't have to totally quarantine yourselves but pls just be more mindful. ): This isn't just a flu.

Also, sidenote, is there anyone that thinks they may have had the virus weeks ago? About 5 weeks ago I had the worst flu of my life. Horrible fever, nightmares, sore throat and really painful cough. I couldn't get out of bed for three days straight and just slept continuously. I've never been that sick before, haha. I didn't feel completely better for over a week. So now I'm wondering if I may have had the virus or if I'm just weak af and influenza did a number on me this year. It sure would be nice to know I'd had it and gotten over it lol.
Well... My university has been closed for a week and we will all be doing online courses. My friends kept saying I was being “paranoid” when I went out to buy about 2 weeks worth of non-perishables a couple weeks ago to keep in case of emergencies. I’m glad I bought everything when I did because now everything in the stores is GONE. It is insane.

As for toilet paper, I usually buy a small pack (6 roll) but just bought the bigger size JUST in case. Seems like I was ahead of the curve on this one. Now all of my friends who said I was overreacting are panicking because they can’t find anything.

:/ It’s very stressful for all of us...
I work in an animal shelter, where we already have been low on staff because of financial problems and a long term ill colleague.
We already closed for public, only work on appointments and our dog hotel stays open for urgent reservations.

I'm feeling very flu like, don't have a fever but my temperature is a little high. So I am staying home, hoping that ill be fine by the end of the week so my coworkers don't have to exhaust themselves...
We aren't as needed as healthcare employees, but we can't really choose to stay home for 2 weeks either just because of mild symptoms.

All the animals are still properly taking care of and doing fine by the way
Stores are now closed off, too, over here. I hear they'll be open by tommorow and they're currently disinfecting all utilities and restocking on items. I'm trying not to worry, but the stress is starting to get to me. This whole event is reminding me of The Stand by Stephen king. (Anyone who's read it should know what I'm reffering to.) I worry about my parents the most, but I also worry about the elderly and what the future may hold. I can't really concentrate on anything else at the moment. I'm trying my best to distract my mind.

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Maybe if people were hoarding toilets, which genuinely wouldn't surprise me at this point.
This made me laugh Imagining a whole bunch of people carrying toilets out of the retail stores. XD Thanks
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I see so many Linda’s buying out milk and bread so people can’t feed their families. All because these upper middle class people can’t rationalize in high pressure situations? Ugh.
Ireland is thankfully taking more drastic measures and after shutting all schools and colleges on Thursday, our government is also now closing bars and probably restaurants too. Considering how small our population is in comparison to other European countries, our numbers have jumped so much in the last week so I really hope this slows things down.

As a student, it's frustrating to see other students acting like the virus is nothing and still partying and mixing. The attitude of 'we're young, we'll be fine' is getting on my nerves because new studies are indicating that 30% of people in the 18-30 age group are asymptomatic carriers. The last thing I want is for my grandmother or parents to catch the virus because people aren't being even a little careful. You don't have to totally quarantine yourselves but pls just be more mindful. ): This isn't just a flu.

Also, sidenote, is there anyone that thinks they may have had the virus weeks ago? About 5 weeks ago I had the worst flu of my life. Horrible fever, nightmares, sore throat and really painful cough. I couldn't get out of bed for three days straight and just slept continuously. I've never been that sick before, haha. I didn't feel completely better for over a week. So now I'm wondering if I may have had the virus or if I'm just weak af and influenza did a number on me this year. It sure would be nice to know I'd had it and gotten over it lol.

If it was that long ago and you hadn't been outside of Ireland then it was likely a different respiratory infection.

UK govt response of just allowing people to get infected to get it over and done with as if it's chicken pox is ridiculous. I've four relatives for who the virus will almost certainly be a death sentence (70+, chronic respiratory conditions/lung disease, years of chemotherapy) - with various other people in my life who are also at high risk but not quite as severe as those four.
The "case study" of Italy shows what's going to happen if we don't start social distancing now:

I'm glad our government is taking this seriously, even though it's going to cost a lot.
I've read through the post in the link above.
I never mean to sound rude here. I really don't. I understand where their thought is coming from, never out of evil intention (of course, whey would it be). But actually this kind of article doesn't give my question a valid answer. All they're talking about there is just the repeat of personal impression on how bad/rapid it spread in their country Italy. Being cautious and hysteria are different things.

I knew it's going so terrible in Italy past week. I am so sorry for the situation and people there.
Like I mentioned earlier, in my county Japan nothing has been going crazy. No confusion (except for those who run schools), no shut downs, no hysteria, no empty shelves except for masks - things have been going pretty normal since the beginning, if not so many visitors in the travel spot doesn't count. That's at most honestly. Actually, what the people are worried kinda much right now over here is, that your actions during past 2 weeks will be investigated if you tested positive. We are saying "can't let that happen..." lol

We have the highest percentage of elderly population in the world. Close to 30% (28.3% or something) of Japanese people are over 65 years old. 30%, guys. Italy follows us, 23% of population are elderly in Italy. Why it's going so different over here and there has the reason, despite both are the 2 top in terms of elderly population.

Dense connection between China in terms of business - a lot traveled between Italy and China.
Bad economy that had to shut down hospitals/medical care buildings ahead of this.
Medical infrastructure has been poorly maintained due to that. - That was the biggest factor I'd assume.
Then there's other factors. Such as habit of intimate physical communication, or trait of being optimistic. - This part would be the point of the Tweet from said person in the link.
Not pointing out these factors and just repeating how bad it's been going, and telling people to be aware how serious it is, this article is - even if not on purpose - giving wrong impression on what we should do. That's how I view this Tweet. It's as though.. all due to not taking it serious caused the situation, which I would prove wrong, because, look at how it's been going in Japan?

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I see so many Linda’s buying out milk and bread so people can’t feed their families. All because these upper middle class people can’t rationalize in high pressure situations? Ugh.