I'm annoyed with how lax UK government is being. They need to make a decision and stick with it, no more "suggesting". If they want people to stop going out then they need to enforce it. Close restaurants/bars/public places sure, but help the owners with their payments. Don’t just suggest that people should stay indoors -- that way everyone loses out because (a) most people wont take it seriously, and (b) those that do will result in reduced footfall, meaning the places will lose money with no help.
Also make it clear if I can travel or not so i don’t lose money on my trip for next week THANKS
Yes thank you. I hate how lax government are here too like, they say stay home if you have to be forced into quarantine etc. but how do you pay those that are healthy and can work when they are forced to be home? A lot of us like me can't really shelve books and stuff from home or do reservations etc. so yeah...