The same people taking refuge in their forts made of 12 months worth of toilet paper and pasta will probably be the same people packed shoulder to shoulder "down the local" tonight complaining that they've had to actually spend time with their wife because football isn't on.
The bumbling blonde haired idiot needs to say something definitive and actually enforce things rather than "try to do this..." or "it would be best if you could...". "You SHOULD do this, but we can't really stop you if you don't want to (even though we totally can). He may as well just stare silently into the camera like an idiot for a few minutes, it's just as helpful given he's telling people to do things that they're already doing and not actually doing anything.
Then again, "avoid pubs, theatres, etc" shows exactly where his concerns are. Rather than just enforcing closure of non essential services which would allow small businesses who will be most effected by people being told to "avoid contact" to claim insurance without fearing for their business going under, they instead have to either stay open and suffer losses as that moron tells people to avoid those stores or they can close up and suffer 100% losses from not having any income at all.
My favourite advice from the UK gov so far is that one person in a household has it, the whole household SHOULD stay inside for 14 days. You SHOULDN'T go out, even for essential items or groceries. You can if you want, but you shouldn't...BUT, you CAN go out for exercise if you want to, just try not to get unnecessarily close to people whilst you do it, because getting unnecessarily close to other people is something we generally try to do all the time, obviously. Notice how the only definitive thing you can do is highly contradictory to everything else? You can go out and exercise, that's fine, but we would prefer you to not go out and buy food. "Not eaten for 5 days? Get back inside the house, sickie! Oh, what? You wanna go for a jog? Pick me up some milk whilst you're out". Just f'ing enforce this stuff or don't bother, they need to pick one.