
I've had a chest infection since before our country told us to self isolate if we have a cough or fever and I'm still being dragged into work (retail - clothes shop - aka unnecessary...)
Our government and prime minister is an absolute mess.

If you're sick you cannot stay home?? Here in Italy some people go to work even when sick just because it shows "they care" but we can stay home with pay if we are feeling unwell.
My other half is a university lecturer. He is running online seminars from home, as per university instruction, but no students have shown up to the one that started 20 minutes ago. He needs to wait around for a full two hours in hopes a student does log in. Students, please don't use being off school/uni as an excuse to shirk assignments/requirements!

In other news, I was warned at my doctor's surgery today that there is a chance they may be forced to close. I'm undergoing treatment that requires going into the surgery every other day. If it closes before treatment finishes I may not be able to return to work as my immune system is low.

Also the UK govt is now telling people to avoid pubs. It's St Patrick's Day. I wonder if people will actually listen? :p
To be fair they should have closed down higher level eg. uni stuff rather than trying to keep online stuff. If there are classes with poor/old people there is a chance they won't show up because they don't know too much about Zoom and they can't ask, or they simply can't access it or just stay out still. We're being forced online with new/last part of class and I'm really don't liking it because I don't see it really working when it's heavily based on actual, real-life partaking. Sure they could give seminars and smaller tasks.. but.. uh. No.
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They just announced yesterday that the govorner wants to shut down our state. But, there is going to be no enforcing it. So, I am betting that all of the so called "non-essential" businesses (retail) are going to stay open because people in my area are greedy. I also just discovered that the number of cases in my county is slowly rising. We aren't in single digits yet, but they said that one of the cases is a kid. I hope that kid is relatively healthy with no pre-existing conditions.

The college in my area is starting to kick people off of campus. Luckily, my husband and I have an empty room for a friend who has very little help. When they kick her out we are going to let her stay here as long as she helps with the groceries since I'm currently out of work for two weeks.

Everything about this is getting stressfull. It sucks that I know I am mostly a bit worried because my mom is a nurse and my dad is a survivor from prostate cancer so his immune system is weaker now than it used to be. Both of my parents are older too. I just hope that it misses them if the cases here suddenly explode. They probably won't explode and get out of hand, but we are really close to New York and we have a lot of commuters so it is a possibility.
In my state, our governor just sent through an executive order that prohibits us from leaving our houses are 8 PM.

This is lunacy.
thanks for the well wishes!

i have a pre-existing condition which makes the symptoms a lot worse. i ended up needing to email all of my uni profs for relief because i can't complete my assignments. it definitely feels a lot worse than the average flu thus far (though tbf i don't get the flu that often, i'm pretty diligent about getting my flu shots.) i'm mostly worried i'll infect my mom, who is in a very high risk group.

the only reason i caught it was because someone ignored their own symptoms and decided to go out anyways. this is why social distancing and isolation is so important! people who go out for non-essential things right now and putting so many people at risk.
ontario has officially declared a state of emergency - all schools, movie theatres, recreation centres, restaurants, etc have closed. i really hope all this mess won’t interfere with mail delivery or best buy’s business for ac purposes lmao
Also the UK govt is now telling people to avoid pubs. It's St Patrick's Day. I wonder if people will actually listen? :p

The same people taking refuge in their forts made of 12 months worth of toilet paper and pasta will probably be the same people packed shoulder to shoulder "down the local" tonight complaining that they've had to actually spend time with their wife because football isn't on.

The bumbling blonde haired idiot needs to say something definitive and actually enforce things rather than "try to do this..." or "it would be best if you could...". "You SHOULD do this, but we can't really stop you if you don't want to (even though we totally can). He may as well just stare silently into the camera like an idiot for a few minutes, it's just as helpful given he's telling people to do things that they're already doing and not actually doing anything.

Then again, "avoid pubs, theatres, etc" shows exactly where his concerns are. Rather than just enforcing closure of non essential services which would allow small businesses who will be most effected by people being told to "avoid contact" to claim insurance without fearing for their business going under, they instead have to either stay open and suffer losses as that moron tells people to avoid those stores or they can close up and suffer 100% losses from not having any income at all.

My favourite advice from the UK gov so far is that one person in a household has it, the whole household SHOULD stay inside for 14 days. You SHOULDN'T go out, even for essential items or groceries. You can if you want, but you shouldn't...BUT, you CAN go out for exercise if you want to, just try not to get unnecessarily close to people whilst you do it, because getting unnecessarily close to other people is something we generally try to do all the time, obviously. Notice how the only definitive thing you can do is highly contradictory to everything else? You can go out and exercise, that's fine, but we would prefer you to not go out and buy food. "Not eaten for 5 days? Get back inside the house, sickie! Oh, what? You wanna go for a jog? Pick me up some milk whilst you're out". Just f'ing enforce this stuff or don't bother, they need to pick one.
this is such a crazy situation- personally, my life feels like it's been totally blown apart and a lot of the plans i had are now up in the air. uni is officially online for the rest of the semester (don't know if this helps or hurts my grades oops, but also i didn't get to say goodbye to a whole heck of a lot of people), my summer internship (which i was really, really looking forward to- it's a software dev internship at a really big name tech company, and getting an offer from them was (IS) so crazy) is now up in the air and will potentially be remote or cancelled, and i'm stuck at home and can't even see my high school friends or boyfriend because all our parents are super afraid of the virus (rightfully so, i guess... i'm also taking as many precautions as i can... it just sucks) and so we're all just stuck inside, but like only a few blocks from each other LOL.

i know i definitely don't have it as hard as SO many other people (my sister's old uni roommate/best friend's grandparents passed away due to the virus in china, and her mom is stuck in china and may also have the virus), and i shouldn't complain, so i guess i just need to get it out of my system and suck it up. i have acnh to look forward to after all!

i'm hoping everyone on the forum is staying safe and keeping strong- we're all taking a hit here and i hope things settle down soon. <3
ontario has officially declared a state of emergency - all schools, movie theatres, recreation centres, restaurants, etc have closed. i really hope all this mess won’t interfere with mail delivery or best buy’s business for ac purposes lmao

i'm in ontario as well. the train/border from the us to canada (i was in the us last week) was absolutely packed. i wouldn't be surprised if there are tons of new cases this/next week from people coming back from abroad because of canada's warning for canadians to come back home asap.
My boss called today to check on me and extended my time out of work until Monday. Mainly because I still have a cough and he doesn't want to put me at risk, also people freak at someone coughing, even if it isn't a contagious thing.

I am allowed to go to the store, at least, although a lot of things are sold out.

Stay safe, everyone. We'll get through this.
The numbers of deaths in France jumped so high in just one day, and yet they don't respect the rule of not being allowed to go outside.. I don't understand how people can be like that, especially seeing so many families going on a trip, passing strangers without even having any distance.. wow. No way it will go away any time soon if people are so ignorant about it.
The same people taking refuge in their forts made of 12 months worth of toilet paper and pasta will probably be the same people packed shoulder to shoulder "down the local" tonight complaining that they've had to actually spend time with their wife because football isn't on.

The bumbling blonde haired idiot needs to say something definitive and actually enforce things rather than "try to do this..." or "it would be best if you could...". "You SHOULD do this, but we can't really stop you if you don't want to (even though we totally can). He may as well just stare silently into the camera like an idiot for a few minutes, it's just as helpful given he's telling people to do things that they're already doing and not actually doing anything.

Then again, "avoid pubs, theatres, etc" shows exactly where his concerns are. Rather than just enforcing closure of non essential services which would allow small businesses who will be most effected by people being told to "avoid contact" to claim insurance without fearing for their business going under, they instead have to either stay open and suffer losses as that moron tells people to avoid those stores or they can close up and suffer 100% losses from not having any income at all.

My favourite advice from the UK gov so far is that one person in a household has it, the whole household SHOULD stay inside for 14 days. You SHOULDN'T go out, even for essential items or groceries. You can if you want, but you shouldn't...BUT, you CAN go out for exercise if you want to, just try not to get unnecessarily close to people whilst you do it, because getting unnecessarily close to other people is something we generally try to do all the time, obviously. Notice how the only definitive thing you can do is highly contradictory to everything else? You can go out and exercise, that's fine, but we would prefer you to not go out and buy food. "Not eaten for 5 days? Get back inside the house, sickie! Oh, what? You wanna go for a jog? Pick me up some milk whilst you're out". Just f'ing enforce this stuff or don't bother, they need to pick one.

Have to say I agree. I hear a lot of elderly people chanting "draconian measures!" yet most of them continue to go about their daily lives as normal. A few people have decided to not go to college as a precaution, but so far my town seems to be mostly as busy as ever. Give it a few days for people to get acclimatised to being told that "many will die" and everybody will be back on the streets as normal. The public won't change their ways unless it's made mandatory and enforced.
it has been very frustrating and upsetting. i originally booked a partial solo trip to europe for these past two weeks and i was looking forward to it for the past six months. however i cancelled bc things were quickly getting worse. i didn't want to be selfish and get my parents, friends, or others sick. i also cancelled/postponed my birthday festivities. furthermore, my uni originally suspended face-to-face instruction until at least early april, but today i was notified that it's suspended through the end of the spring semester now. commencement (i'm in the last year of uni) will also be suspended/postponed and i have to await notification of whether or not ceremonies can be rescheduled to a later date. i can't believe i sat in a lecture for the last time and i can't even properly remember all my uni "last times" bc my brain didn't register it as "memorable" moments, i suppose. i'm just completely devastated

despite this, i'm doing my part by social distancing, practicing good hygiene, sending loved ones positive and funny messages, sharing resources, and engaging in self-care. my friends and i are thinking of doing yoga & workouts, book club, and/or watch club together, so i'm excited for those! i hope the government takes this more seriously now and i hope everyone takes care of their physical and mental health
Just found out my restaurant will be take-out only until further notice, meaning nobody but management is allowed to come in for their scheduled shifts as it’s not needed. :( We’ll likely be shutdown soon too.The situation in my area isn’t as bad as most other places but they want to be extra cautious, also business has been pretty terrible so they can’t afford to stay open during this time. This is super stressful because I have bills to pay, but I’ve been hearing rumors that the government will be helping out people like me who aren’t able to work due to the virus.
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we don't have it too bad where we are - only one confirmed case in the city, but our economy is doing pretty poorly. restaurants are either take-out only or shutting down, cruise ships aren't allowed to dock - which is a huge thing for us!!! - stores are reducing hours, university has been moved to online but left up to the profs' discretion - which is unfortunate because some classes are just sending out notes, some are revamping grade weights, some haven't said a word about anything :(

it's definitely for the greater good though!

i was previously working in theatre but my shows got cancelled which personally sucks a little because we had put a lot of work into it and put a lot of other important things aside to prioritize it !! and unemployment isn't fun!
I decided to make the hard decision and cancel our trip to go see our friend. His social groups and ours are two different places. I don't want anything accidentally going around since my husband needs to be able to go into work. The good news is my job decided to give us our pay for the mandatory time off. That took a load of stress off that I didn't even know I had!