The flu season appears to be waning significantly faster than last year thanks to public fear of the deadly new coronavirus, government data shows.
In the week ended Feb. 9, reported influenza cases plunged by over 60 percent to 44,737, compared with 129,989 the same week a year ago, according data from the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
That means flu cases have fallen for six consecutive weeks since the new year began, the data show.
The ministry also said only 1,760 schools were forced to close by flu outbreaks in the seven-day period starting Feb. 3, down sharply from 3,204 the same week last year.
“Many Japanese people have become serious about taking measures to prevent infection with the new coronavirus. This might be one of the reasons why influenza cases dropped this year,” said Yoko Muramatsu, a researcher at NLI Research Institute.