
I'm a pretty anti-social introvert so the lockdown isn't too much of a problem for me, but I do still feel pretty down at times. I work in a school, so I'm out of work now for a while. Normally, I go through each day eagerly awaiting when the next school break will be, then spend it at all at home, doing the same I'm doing now, oversleeping/not sleeping enough, under eating, etc. The fact I'm doing this every day and have no idea when it will end is actually getting to me more than I thought it would.

It's stressful too when most people in your country just treat it like a paid holiday and still continue to break the rules, hang out in groups, etc. I've seen no end of my neighbours who are still having friends and family visit every week..
I gotta say, I'm terrified of living in the US right now.
We have a loony, dictator as president, claiming he has total power over any authority and can do whatever he pleases, not only breaking several constitutional laws in the process (not that it would be a first), but also ignoring all medical and scientific advice.

Despite claiming to be "pro-life" he plans to let COVID-19 "wash over" the US and have everything running again by May. Needless to say that'll only add to the various problems medical staff and morgues are currently facing, and in the long run, will only serve to delay any and all progress.

Then adding to that terrifying mix, are those delightfully selfish group of people who still don't understand the importance of closing down businesses, quarantining, and maintaining social distance, going out into the streets protesting against their own benefits and the benefits of others. Not only is it depressing to watch, but frustrating. I thought by now people would finally start getting that coronavirus is NOT like the flu (there is no treatment for it, people who become infected and "get over it" can become reinfected, and because this is a new strain of coronavirus disease, none of us have an immunity to it) but I forget that reality is a parody.

Some people are even blaming 5G for causing coronavirus...
this is indeed going to be a long and scary ride.

While I don't agree with everything Thunderf00t says, I think he made a lot of valid points here and it helps paint a more clear picture:
This is a bit late, but did any of you guys hear about that Yanomami boy in Brazil that got the coronavirus and died?
I rarely leave the house anyway so at first lockdown wasn't that bad but I'm starting to get serious cabin fever. Therapy's been cancelled and ACNH is the only thing keeping me semi-sane, honestly. I really feel for everyone affected more directly and am seriously so mad at the idiots using this as some kind of holiday, pissing around at the beach and having BBQs 'cause the sun's made a rare appearance. JUST. STAY. AT. HOME.
(Sorry that turned into a rant)
Lockdown has been extended here for at least another 3 weeks. It’s all just so bizarre. I bought a diary at the beginning of the year but I’m guessing I shouldn’t have bothered now, haha.

Made a little daily/weekly list of things I want to achieve during lockdown so I’m hoping that helps motivate me into a routine. I want to start running more and I’ve also joined a free online class, hoping it will look good on my application for Uni when that comes around. It’s amazing how many (free) resources are out there and definitely recommend it for those of you struggling with the guilt of procrastination.

I also sent a card off to my grandad with a lovely message on it just to let him know I’m thinking of him. It’s been a while since I last saw him (he lives about 200miles away from me) and if there are any positives that come from this awful virus, it’ll be that my appreciation for the little things will be a hell of a lot stronger. I just can’t wait to see them, hug them and have a chat.
I gotta say, I'm terrified of living in the US right now.
We have a loony, dictator as president, claiming he has total power over any authority and can do whatever he pleases, not only breaking several constitutional laws in the process (not that it would be a first), but also ignoring all medical and scientific advice.

Despite claiming to be "pro-life" he plans to let COVID-19 "wash over" the US and have everything running again by May. Needless to say that'll only add to the various problems medical staff and morgues are currently facing, and in the long run, will only serve to delay any and all progress.

Then adding to that terrifying mix, are those delightfully selfish group of people who still don't understand the importance of closing down businesses, quarantining, and maintaining social distance, going out into the streets protesting against their own benefits and the benefits of others. Not only is it depressing to watch, but frustrating. I thought by now people would finally start getting that coronavirus is NOT like the flu (there is no treatment for it, people who become infected and "get over it" can become reinfected, and because this is a new strain of coronavirus disease, none of us have an immunity to it) but I forget that reality is a parody.

Some people are even blaming 5G for causing coronavirus...
this is indeed going to be a long and scary ride.

While I don't agree with everything Thunderf00t says, I think he made a lot of valid points here and it helps paint a more clear picture:


I am happy that I don't have to got out as much anymore due to quarantining and everything. As someone who is East Asian (but not Chinese), I remember getting so many dirty stares from a lot of people on the days leading up to the pandemic in early to mid March. I'm super lucky to haven't been involved in any racist attacks yet.

Even worse is that the Jacksonville Beaches just opened up and giant flocks of people started swarming the beaches. There's an article about it here. Stuff like this is the reason why people don't take the US seriously and it's disappointing.

Also about 2/3 days ago, school was cancelled for the rest of the year and students have an option to either keep their current grade or continue to do additional assignments to boost their grade. I'm part of the class of 2020, so graduation is held off for us for now.
it’s crazy that a month ago, i wasn’t worried at all and now i’m slightly panicking. i don’t think i’m worried about the virus itself but it’s starting to feel like everybody’s dying and that’s not a pleasant feeling at all

I am happy that I don't have to got out as much anymore due to quarantining and everything. As someone who is East Asian (but not Chinese), I remember getting so many dirty stares from a lot of people on the days leading up to the pandemic in early to mid March. I'm super lucky to haven't been involved in any racist attacks yet.

Even worse is that the Jacksonville Beaches just opened up and giant flocks of people started swarming the beaches. There's an article about it here. Stuff like this is the reason why people don't take the US seriously and it's disappointing.

Also about 2/3 days ago, school was cancelled for the rest of the year and students have an option to either keep their current grade or continue to do additional assignments to boost their grade. I'm part of the class of 2020, so graduation is held off for us for now.

People can be really disgusting. I'm sorry you got those bad stares, and it doesn't help that Mr. Trumpster keeps calling COVID19 the Chinese virus, despite being the same person who also said coronavirus was nothing more than another liberal hoax, downplaying the severity several times and allowing travel and other businesses to run as normal, while the pandemic became even more widespread. Even now, he's in the middle of completely reopening the economy and letting COVID19 "wash over" the US, killing several of the citizens he loves so much. I feel so sorry for the medical staff who have to endure so much.

I also read about Jacksonville beaches filling up now that they're reopened. I honestly don't know what to say or think anymore.
As someone who lives in Florida - I've seen the discussions on local Facebook groups. The majority of people don't want to reopen, but a few troublesome folk are pretending to represent a much larger portion of the population than they actually do.
Hadn't left the house for a month because of the lockdown, but to be honest, it feels like summer vacation although the situation is scary right now.
My work has just updated its reopening date to May 12. I've been out of work since March 25. It seems so bizarre.
I wish people would just STAY INSIDE.

I'm self-isolating and trying not to get too stressed over this, though it's difficult (it would be reeeal bad for me if I contracted covid-19 - and I've just updated my will). I'm so glad we have ACNH as a distraction right now...
I was down with corona for 5 weeks, left quaratine last Saturday, been working again since Monday.
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I wish people would just STAY INSIDE.

That is not really the solution unless you are sick already, people WILL go out unless you offer them money every month so they can stay home comfortably and if they don't have work they will go out... tbf I think depression, suicide and mental health issues are bigger than people actually dying... and I don't think full lockdown/curfew are the good way unless it's a small concentrated area/country either.
That is not really the solution unless you are sick already, people WILL go out unless you offer them money every month so they can stay home comfortably and if they don't have work they will go out... tbf I think depression, suicide and mental health issues are bigger than people actually dying... and I don't think full lockdown/curfew are the good way unless it's a small concentrated area/country either.

There needs to be resources that people can access for mental health, that's very important. But what do we do other than lockdown? Should those of us who are vulnerable to covid-19 just shrug and present ourselves at the nearest morgue? The spread of the virus needs to be stopped as much as possible until a vaccine/cure is found or the virus is eliminated... or, more realistically, until the number of cases and the spread of the virus is low enough that the healthcare system can handle it. The only way to do that is a lockdown (because as you pointed out, people will go out if they can).
There needs to be resources that people can access for mental health, that's very important. But what do we do other than lockdown? Should those of us who are vulnerable to covid-19 just shrug and present ourselves at the nearest morgue? The spread of the virus needs to be stopped as much as possible until a vaccine/cure is found or the virus is eliminated... or, more realistically, until the number of cases and the spread of the virus is low enough that the healthcare system can handle it. The only way to do that is a lockdown (because as you pointed out, people will go out if they can).
Yeah, but that is basically a provoke to any other human and I think most would prefer restrictions rather than that. You can maybe enforce that some people should stay home as much as possible, but might not be possible in countries where you don't listen to authorities sadly.

Also I think it's kinda dumb that governments threat to enforce even more stricter things, like unless you provide everyone financially and keeping things open that is important like certain stores, mail, library ETC etc which like no one does don't even think about doing it, people will go out for the sake of sanity.
There won't be a vaccine until next year at the earliest, lockdown is not an option, all there is for people to do is follow the guidelines, stay at least 2 meters apart from people outside of your household, sanitize, and stay clean, and obviously if you're sick you are in actual quarantine, listen to your doctors stay inside until symptoms have been gone for 48-72 hours (depends on where you live), have friends, or family shop for you and drop it off on your doorstep.

And of course people with no symptoms are gonna go outside, that's not the problem, the problem is people not following the guidelines and aren't taking it serious.
Luckily there's always online retailers, so the people who are 50+ and/or have asthma etc can order from there, and not take the risk.
You can also microwave groceries for 30 seconds to kill potential virus, with fruits and vegetables you can clean them with soap, and rinse them.

Anyways if the economy goes down we all go down, we need as many businesses as possible to keep going (again as safely as possible) we gotta keep the globe spinning, people just gotta follow the damn guidelines and use common sense, and we can hopefully keep the death toll as low as possible.
Once this is all over the world will hopefully learn to be better prepared for situations like this in the future.
Yeah, but that is basically a provoke to any other human and I think most would prefer restrictions rather than that. You can maybe enforce that some people should stay home as much as possible, but might not be possible in countries where you don't listen to authorities sadly.

Also I think it's kinda dumb that governments threat to enforce even more stricter things, like unless you provide everyone financially and keeping things open that is important like certain stores, mail, library ETC etc which like no one does don't even think about doing it, people will go out for the sake of sanity.

That's true, you can only enforce so much before people go "nope". Some places DO need to stay open, and of course people need to earn a wage. A lockdown definitely isn't enforceable for the long term, but when a crisis like this hits, I think its better than doing nothing. Which is what my country's government did at first, and now we have hundreds of people dying every day.

There won't be a vaccine until next year at the earliest, lockdown is not an option, all there is for people to do is follow the guidelines, stay at least 2 meters apart from people outside of your household, sanitize, and stay clean, and obviously if you're sick you are in actual quarantine, listen to your doctors stay inside until symptoms have been gone for 48-72 hours (depends on where you live), have friends, or family shop for you and drop it off on your doorstep.

And of course people with no symptoms are gonna go outside, that's not the problem, the problem is people not following the guidelines and aren't taking it serious.
Luckily there's always online retailers, so the people who are 50+ and/or have asthma etc can order from there, and not take the risk.
You can also microwave groceries for 30 seconds to kill potential virus, with fruits and vegetables you can clean them with soap, and rinse them.

Anyways if the economy goes down we all go down, we need as many businesses as possible to keep going (again as safely as possible) we gotta keep the globe spinning, people just gotta follow the damn guidelines and use common sense, and we can hopefully keep the death toll as low as possible.
Once this is all over the world will hopefully learn to be better prepared for situations like this in the future.

The thing is some people are asymptomatic, or their symptoms are so minor they don't realise it's anything significant, so they go out and spread the virus unknowingly. Other people just don't care and will go out anyway. So it's not as easy as just saying "if you're sick, stay indoors". I wish it was.
And as for having people shop for you - not everyone can do that. Same with ordering online. It's been almost impossible to get an online grocery delivery since my country went into lockdown - some of the supermarkets are now doing "vulnerable priority customer" lists, but even if you get on those lists, it doesn't guarantee you can get a delivery. I know from personal experience.

It's because people don't follow the guidelines or take it seriously that we have to do things like lockdowns.
It brings me joy to call the cops on people having freaking birthday parties during this. They're contributing to the pro longed quarantine and I can't stand it. We all have to do our part if we want this to be over.

It's like screwing around instead of just sitting down and writing that essay. Just do what you're supposed to and you can move on.