
Yeah, though a lot of governments have like no payment plan and basically force people to live on mandatory job search income insurance which is like... okay unless you can work in grocery store/warehouses and/or health care you will probably not get any. So dumb. Not to be that person but let people be sick if they are so idiotic to host gatherings. Don't punish people who need people to visit to survive.
Thank god this game came out when it did. Honestly, it's been the only thing keeping me sane during quarantine.

Classes are feeling A LOT more optional than they actually are, and a couple of my professors have NOT adapted well to online learning.

I work at a theme park and miss my job so much. It's really, really difficult to not be getting paid right now. I just hope my company doesn't resort to layoffs, because as a recent hire, I would definitely be one of the first to go...

Overall, this sucks.
i'm in new york, which has more cases than the entire country of germany, so things aren't too dandy over here. i'm upset that i more than likely won't have a summer, and seeing people in other parts of the country protest for the reopening of businesses despite the situation still being horrible and our country's lack of preparedness is... very frustrating.

the coronavirus does not care about the economy, and the coronavirus does not care about our "rights to freedom" or whatever. it will just keep killing more people.
Businesses are set to open up somewhere in May in my state and tbh I feel like that’s still a little to early. Most people who were protesting are the same people who aren’t taking the disease seriously, not to mention they weren’t even *distancing* themselves when they were protesting. I am genuinely worried that those people are going to spread the disease further. I’m so disappointed at how extremely self-centered people can be.
Yeah, though a lot of governments have like no payment plan and basically force people to live on mandatory job search income insurance which is like... okay unless you can work in grocery store/warehouses and/or health care you will probably not get any. So dumb. Not to be that person but let people be sick if they are so idiotic to host gatherings. Don't punish people who need people to visit to survive.
I kinda agree with that. I read this article a couple weeks ago and it made me so sad that governments are punishing people that aren’t social distancing but literally cannot afford to do so. It’s either die from the virus or die from hunger. Social distancing is a privilege that not everyone has and not everyone should be punished for not being able to follow it
I kinda agree with that. I read this article a couple weeks ago and it made me so sad that governments are punishing people that aren’t social distancing but literally cannot afford to do so. It’s either die from the virus or die from hunger. Social distancing is a privilege that not everyone has and not everyone should be punished for not being able to follow it

Yeah exactly. I'm basically going to work and back and sometimes grocery shop/take distancing walks if I need but I definitely try to limit my time in public and people who like work in somewhat allowed-crowd areas or live in small spaces shouldn't get punished if people do their best.

And yeah, it's so disgusting government wants people not to work yet they "can't" allow workplaces to send people home paid... Like a job is definitely not a thing everyone has for a privilege and if workplaces that are important especially have to close down how are government gonna help? They can't really force people to try for a job now unless they have special skills or can get special help(like for people with certain disorders)
I'm adopting a cat. A friend's family's cat has behavioral issues and I have no idea what state the pounds are in during this pandemic. This will now be our third cat.

I've noticed a slow return to normalcy in my area, but given that we're so close to the beach, that's more worrying than comforting. I and my partner are working with a local cosplayer to distribute masks, but the troubling part is that people only see willing to wear masks inside of stores where they are required to - I don't see joggers, walkers, bicyclists, or fishers wearing masks. I suppose if they're outside, they're not taking this seriously, but it's still unsettling.
school closures have been extended to may 31st in my province - i honestly don’t think we’ll be going back this school year as i don’t really see a point in reopening schools 3-4 weeks before summer starts
school closures have been extended to may 31st in my province - i honestly don’t think we’ll be going back this school year as i don’t really see a point in reopening schools 3-4 weeks before summer starts

We have hiring freezes in my county, so I think it's the same for my side of the pond too.
People: //loses their jobs, has no income due to closings, has to quit job to watch their kids, struggling to get food/necessities

Tech giants and billionaires: //unaffected, thriving, and treating their employees badly

People: //loses their jobs, has no income due to closings, has to quit job to watch their kids, struggling to get food/necessities

Tech giants and billionaires: //unaffected, thriving, and treating their employees badly


Too, too true. I'm also over the fake condolences companies are giving to their workers. In the end, they don't care about them or their wellbeing. I've seen too many good people laid off.
I'm Canadian. Our government is handling it REALLY well. Everyone laid off is getting EI (employment insurance) which is 55% of your insured wages, to a max of $573/week ($54,200 per year). We also have implemented the CERB (Canadian emergency response benefit) which grants up to $500/week for 16 weeks and is available for the employed, laid off, self-employed and businesses. Small businesses are receiving up to 70% of their insured income.

Stores have little things on the floor 2 meters apart that say "stand here" to enforce social distancing and hand sanitizer at the doors. Cashiers have plexi-glass shields. Some stores now require us to wear masks. Many grocery stores have "senior hours" in the mornings to isolate our older population.

There was a store (can't remember which) where customers were making jokes about "oh my money might be infected lol" and the owner of that branch was like "stop, not funny" they didn't. That branch closed because of it. Zero tolerance.
Some of the stores I shop at were initially offering hand sanitizer or wipes at the door, but they all stopped. One of the girls working at the grocery store said they had to stop putting those things out because people kept stealing them. :confused:

Seriously, what is wrong with people?
Why the hell are people protesting?! These people are insane.

And ugh, my uncle on Facebook has stated that these protesters are doing amazing things, that my position of isolation from the virus is dangerous, and he even defended that protester in Illinois that held up a sign saying "Arbeit macht frei", which was obviously so insensitive to the Jewish community, especially the numerous Jews that died in the Holocaust.
i thought people in new york were smart enough to not protest given the amount of cases we have, but there was a reopening protest in my county just the other day. i think i might go insane
Thankfully my state hasn't forced a total lock down, so people can still do their thing if they need to. People still have to pay their bills, work, buy groceries, and live.

In the beginning I would have said lock it down, but as I became more aware of things that I have personally seen I was like nahhh leave it open. Basically I went from pretty paranoid to now no worries at all.

All it took to settle my fears were; Looking around, seeing the hospitals not being as swamped as they claimed in the media. Seeing a news channel claim they had footage of a full hospital in NY when in reality someone did some digging and found out the hospital in the video wasn't from NY, but instead from Italy. <-- (Why lie about that if it's legit?). Seeing reports of massive covid19 cases when I don't know a single person irl (not online) who has it, and I looked around and saw people going about their business without a hint of the illness. Seeing a video with an alleged sick person in a hospital bed on a ventilator yet I zoomed in and clearly saw it was a dummy. Also it didn't help the situation when I heard that these "covid19 tests" can give false positives as they only test for the "coronavirus" which has hundreds of strains so basically there is no true Covid test. Also I heard that there are reports that if anyone dies of any illness or natural causes they can call it covid19 since we are allegedly in a pandemic.

PS. I'm not sure if a link is allowed here, but in case... you can go to, and search for "dummy" and then click on the video titled "Coronavirus - You have to be a Dummy to not see this". In the video (at the 0:29 mark I believe) it shows a video that was taken by a news station claiming to show a sick person on a ventilator laying in a hospital bed, well that sick person IS clearly a dummy... it's not a person... so even if Covid19 was / is legit... why lie and say that's a dude hooked up to a ventilator with covid19 when you'd have to have poor vision to not see that - that's a dummy.

I guess I just got tired of the lies in the media... I can choose to live my life in fear, dealing with daily panic attacks, or I can simply live. I choose to live, and YOLO so I am going to try my best to live fearless.

EDIT: Forgot to add, in the video behind the dummy theres even a sign on the wall that says "no food or drinks near the mannequins", just wanted to point that out. -- You can also go to bit (without the space) and lookup abovetopsecret and go to the 3rd page, click on channel, and watch their videos on covid (complete eye opener). Also I find it quite odd that all of a sudden the mass shootings have completely stopped since the outbreak... <.< definitely makes one wonder...
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This whole situation, at least in California is outrageously overblown. Not a single hospitalization case in my county and we just got stricter stay-at-home and social interaction orders. As someone with multiple family members working in the health sector, they're having a really hard time reconciling all of the inconsistencies within not only their jobs but the supposed data regarding this virus across the country.

Also, yeah America was so incredibly unprepared for a situation like this. Not only that, but they're near incompetent, across the board, at handling it. Something about how things are going and how the government is "addressing" it doesn't settle right with me. Definitely see the 18 months - 2 year prediction as a likely outcome.
This whole situation, at least in California is outrageously overblown. Not a single hospitalization case in my county and we just got stricter stay-at-home and social interaction orders. As someone with multiple family members working in the health sector, they're having a really hard time reconciling all of the inconsistencies within not only their jobs but the supposed data regarding this virus across the country.

Also, yeah America was so incredibly unprepared for a situation like this. Not only that, but they're near incompetent, across the board, at handling it. Something about how things are going and how the government is "addressing" it doesn't settle right with me. Definitely see the 18 months - 2 year prediction as a likely outcome.

I'm curious what county you're from? I'm in Santa Clara and we had several cases so the strict stay-at-home's were to be expected for us. Some businesses are opening back up next week, though.