
Well I was afraid I had gotten it, it just turned out to be awful seasonal allergies, thank God.

I had gotten tested yesterday, but felt so awful this morning that I went to the ER. That's when I found out that the coronavirus test was negative. :)
I feel like if everyone took this seriously, it would be over sooner. Stalling by protesting will only prolong the quarantine. I get it, we're all sick of it, you're not a special case. I've been feeling heavily depressed since the end of March but you don't see me acting like a ******.
I feel like if everyone took this seriously, it would be over sooner. Stalling by protesting will only prolong the quarantine. I get it, we're all sick of it, you're not a special case. I've been feeling heavily depressed since the end of March but you don't see me acting like a ******.
people in more western countries just can not take this sort of thing seriously for some reason. In the uk i see so many people breaking quarantine for stupid reasons and ive heard in the US its a lot worse
people in more western countries just can not take this sort of thing seriously for some reason. In the uk i see so many people breaking quarantine for stupid reasons and ive heard in the US its a lot worse

I don't know about European culture, and I'm sure it's different from country to country. But in general Americans don't like being told what to do. It's kind of what this country was founded on, but I feel like Americans today are like that even more than the ones who founded the country. I feel like that's a lot of what has to do with Americans not liking it. That, and American culture is generally extroverted in general. People don't want to stay home. They want to hang out with others.

As an introvert, I find it incredibly easy to stay home. I leave the house maybe only once every 1-2 weeks ever since quarantine started, and only for necessary stuff.
I don't know about European culture, and I'm sure it's different from country to country. But in general Americans don't like being told what to do.

This is me, I am pretty introverted... but I don't like feeling like my freedoms are being infringed upon. :p
Its frustrating because I'm actually doing my best to quarantine, even as far as ordering groceries. I haven't been outside for 2 months and I see all these people going outside, hell even going on roadtrips totally not social distancing at all. Whats even worse is one of them is a nursing student who knows about the consequences but just doesn't care? It feels super selfish and unfair. I cancelled my Mexico trip and lost so much money from it just to avoid all this and other people just don't care.
I'm curious what county you're from? I'm in Santa Clara and we had several cases so the strict stay-at-home's were to be expected for us. Some businesses are opening back up next week, though.
I'm in Napa county. Yeah Santa Clara's worst out in the Bay from what I've heard. Businesses are supposed to be able to open, and certain non-essentials are allowed to open for curbside pickup only. Masks are now mandatory.

This is my personal opinion, but I think there's unnecessary judgment and hate on both sides of the whole mask dispute. Now it's practically mandated for workplaces, but for individuals it's not quite to that point. If you opt to not wear a mask and keep your reasonable distance from people, making sure to not make people uncomfortable, I don't think you should be forced to wear PPE. In fact, I think it's not ok to force the entire population to wear PPE, so I hope it doesn't go any further than it already has. Wearing a mask should be a matter of personal conviction and regard for others, as well as examining your own health. If anyone has any input about this, I'd like to hear why.
I’ve been noticing a lot more people out during the hot weather in England. I think people are relaxing even though the lockdown is still in full force. People are just getting tired of it I guess
Even if the coronavirus wasnt a thing id still have to stay home lol. Long story short me and my dad have no transport out of our house because his ex took the car and we live in the coutryside, which is a 1 hour walk away from any shop.
I think that fact alone has made me a bit more accepting of quarantine, that and im an introvert anyway and I enjoy doing all my work from home. Watching everything pan out has been absolutely terrifying though
This is me, I am pretty introverted... but I don't like feeling like my freedoms are being infringed upon. :p
basically. i mean have to go outside and luckily i have work i can go to if i was forced home id probably just go out in the middle of the night which is tbf not any better
I'm in Napa county. Yeah Santa Clara's worst out in the Bay from what I've heard. Businesses are supposed to be able to open, and certain non-essentials are allowed to open for curbside pickup only. Masks are now mandatory.

This is my personal opinion, but I think there's unnecessary judgment and hate on both sides of the whole mask dispute. Now it's practically mandated for workplaces, but for individuals it's not quite to that point. If you opt to not wear a mask and keep your reasonable distance from people, making sure to not make people uncomfortable, I don't think you should be forced to wear PPE. In fact, I think it's not ok to force the entire population to wear PPE, so I hope it doesn't go any further than it already has. Wearing a mask should be a matter of personal conviction and regard for others, as well as examining your own health. If anyone has any input about this, I'd like to hear why.
I don't know if governments should mandate people to wear masks or not, but people who don't wear masks tend to be the worst at practicing social distancing and often pretend like COVID-19 doesn't even exist. I don't think it's okay for people to have basically no regard for others and unnecessarily risk spreading the virus in the name of "freedom". Private businesses absolutely have the right to require their customers to wear masks to enter their business just like they have the right to require that you wear a shirt and shoes to enter. People who get hostile about that are not defending their own rights, but are infringing upon the rights of others.
The thing is... even if covid is legit... our bodies need germs (good and bad) so our immune system can be built up. So think about it... by wearing masks and gloves and being forced inside without getting out to see the sun for natural vitamin D or be around humanity to build our immune systems, we are actually weakening our immunity.

So no I don't believe a lockdown is the right answer, nor do I believe wearing gloves and masks (living in a bubble) is the right answer.

Lockdown or not (thankfully we are not locked down here) I will continue living my life how I always have. Life is too short to live in constant fear, and to willingly give up my American freedoms.

I've seen way too much evidence against the validity of covid to let it rob me of sleep and a life.
Honestly people who don't take it seriously really bug me.

If people just listened for just a couple weeks (stayed 6ft, only going out when necessary, washed hands, etc.) we could've flattened the curve way faster. I get that people don't wanna stay inside but you could do things like hike/walk/bike and still be 6ft. I feel like some people aren't willing to act until it impacts them and their family, which is extremely selfish imo. I understand that for people who are extroverted, have depression, are stuck in an abusive situation that this could really impact them. However, there are hotlines that exist just for those reasons, there are safe resources out there to help!!!

The sooner people take precautions the sooner we will get back to (hopefully) our normal lives! We just need to stay positive, spread happiness, and take it day by day!
This is my personal opinion, but I think there's unnecessary judgment and hate on both sides of the whole mask dispute. Now it's practically mandated for workplaces, but for individuals it's not quite to that point. If you opt to not wear a mask and keep your reasonable distance from people, making sure to not make people uncomfortable, I don't think you should be forced to wear PPE. In fact, I think it's not ok to force the entire population to wear PPE, so I hope it doesn't go any further than it already has. Wearing a mask should be a matter of personal conviction and regard for others, as well as examining your own health. If anyone has any input about this, I'd like to hear why.

the main reason there is so much debate about it is because there is misinformation on all sides. wearing a mask will not prevent you from catching covid-19 (only an n95 would, which should be reserved for healthcare/essential workers) BUT it will help prevent you from spreading it to others. there is no way to guarantee that every person has been in quarantine (and in fact in new york there is a surge of 'quarantined' people in the hospitals testing positive, due to their hygiene habits) and as a result everybody could be an asymptomatic (no symptoms) carrier and could make others sick.

even with large scale testing, you can pick the virus up at any point from touching a surface or sharing an enclosed space with someone who is sick (even if they are just talking/singing/breathing). because it is impossible to know that every single person is healthy, it is better to establish mask wearing as a requirement to avoid the whole issue in the first place.

consider this scenario: you have no symptoms but you have the virus; you go shopping, you pick up some cereal and put it back. because you are not wearing a mask, you are more likely to touch your face, and because you touched that box of cereal someone else could pick up the virus from either your hands or your breathing onto the item. the virus can last up to an hour on surfaces at room temperature, and even longer the colder the temperature (how many hands touch the fridge handles at your grocery store?)

this virus is real and i have friends and family that have caught it. be wary of people who tell you otherwise: they have an agenda that profits from your distrust of scientific fact.
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The thing is... even if covid is legit... our bodies need germs (good and bad) so our immune system can be built up. So think about it... by wearing masks and gloves and being forced inside without getting out to see the sun for natural vitamin D or be around humanity to build our immune systems, we are actually weakening our immunity.

So no I don't believe a lockdown is the right answer, nor do I believe wearing gloves and masks (living in a bubble) is the right answer.

Lockdown or not (thankfully we are not locked down here) I will continue living my life how I always have. Life is too short to live in constant fear, and to willingly give up my American freedoms.

I've seen way too much evidence against the validity of covid to let it rob me of sleep and a life.
There's no way to deny that covid-19 isn't real. I'm rather curious to hear what you think the answer is to solving this problem.