I’ve cosplayed before, twice, for Halloween. I bought pretty much the whole costume each time though since I’m not an artist. I admit that it wasn’t as cool because I didn’t make it myself, but I still felt cool and had fun wearing them. Both of these times were at the Halloween party for our university. The first time, I dressed up as Saitama from One Punch Man, and the second time I was dressed up as Qrow Branwen from RWBY. Both times though, there was at least one guy or group of people who recognized who the characters were, and they asked me about it and stood up for me. I didn’t really feel any shame in wearing the costumes though, because of how much they costed (ouch).
I remember now there was a third time when I was younger, that I had an adult friend (no longer a friend because of my parents and their parents) who created Transformer costumes with me, but they weren’t that good-looking, and we just went to a mall on Halloween (which I thought was pretty lame).
So yeah. Even though I’m not an artist, I love cosplaying and everything along with it.