For challenge #6 I present to you... my bed!
I always decorate my bed and the walls around it with things that I love/enjoy!
Here you can see that I've got a totally rad N64 blanket on the wall, because obv the N64 is the best. I also have a Star Trek blanket with the USS Enterprise from TOS, showing my love of Star Trek (though I actually like TNG more). They're taped to the wall w green duct tape cause sticky hooks don't like to stick to the brick wall here lol.
On my bed are a lot of stuffed animals, plushies and pillows that mean a lot to me. I'll talk about a few.
- The stuffed animals (on the left) are all Webkinz except for the grey cat, which is a Ty. These are all my favorite Webkinz from when I was a kid. I have a ton of memories with them and they always bring me back to a time that I can't experience anymore. For instance, the bottom raccoon reminds me of Summer 2010 when I got to hang out with my dad's family and played bluegrass for the first time. I got a pic with my Uncle Bob while I was holding the raccoon. He passed away years ago, and now every time I look at this plush I think of him. Also, these are all my favorite animals; the only animal not represented here is the tiger, but I'm hoping someday I'll get one!
- The VW pillow is one that my brother bought for me while he was in Germany last year, so it means a ton to me (since I love Volkswagens).
- I don't have my big Mario plush here with me but I do have my Shy Guy and Waluigi, whom I love dearly. I'm thinking about bringing the Mario plush back when I go home this weekend.
- And the other things (the Spongebob pillow, squishy triceratops, squishy tiger, shiny Umbreon, rainbow lamb) are just things I've collected over the last few years that I really love.
- I have my Switch, 3DS, tablet and N64 controller here, because these are things that I use a lot when I want to get cosy and make myself feel better. Switch for playing cool games like SMO and NH, 3DS for shiny hunting Pokemon, N64 for playing the best games ever, and tablet for drawing.
Also, at the last second I decided to move my entry for Celeste's Observatory #2 over here, since I feel like it really accentuates my "cosy space" very well.
Anyways, sorry about that wall of text. I'm gonna go ahead and post my namecard in a spoiler below since I couldn't reasonably put it in the above picture without it getting in the way of anything. Hope it still counts!