This ended up being kind of a pain to get due to it being windy that day. As you can see, the cloud had already lost its shape when I took this a minute later, but it's still the same one!:
Towards the beginning of the fair, I was lying on the floor of my room and saw this cloud while gazing out the window. For some reason my mind immediately went to Zipper T. Bunny's face!
I've been waiting for a long time to post mine! lol it's a llama! It looks so much like one, I couldn't believe it. You can see the legs with one paw up like it's walking, the little llama tail, it's face/snout, eye and one ear
This is my cloud that looks like a prancing deer. It's sideways, but hopefully still recognizable. The legs are on the left and the head is on the right. I think it's rather cute!