Count Inside the Bottle [Closed Until Next Year]

I'd like everyone to know that I ate two fortune cookies and not even half the food I brought home. At least I have leftovers for the next few days! I apologize about the delay - promise it won't happen again.

As interesting a discussion topic as I'm sure my food choices are, I know you all are eager to find out the exact number! The precise number of pompoms in the bottle is...


I'm so excited to announce that we had one person who guessed the exact number this time around! Let's all give a big congratulations to @LOEY who will have a beautiful shooting star coming their way after the fair concludes. Go ahead and brush your shoulders off, because you did good. 🤩

We also have a decent list of honorable mentions this time! All of the following people guessed within five of the exact number. You're all awesome and I would share my food with all of you given the opportunity.

@Prim Rose

The next bottle will be up this Wednesday, September 2nd at 7pm fair time. Hope to see you all there!