I am gonna catch up on this thing.
Name the 5 object you're bringing with you to the new Island life!
1. Snacks
2. Drinks
3. Sundresses
4. My eletronics
5. Sunscreen
What will your character look like?
She will have medium-lengthed brunette hair, hazel eyes, and wear a pink sundress and pink lily.
Which 2 villagers do you wish to start with?
Not taking the "only Uchis and Jocks as starters" into consideration, I would love to start out with Astrid and Rooney. However, if I had to choose an Uchi and a Jock, I would go with Sylvia and Bam.
What fruit do you want to start with? Which fruit would you hate to start with? I don't care which fruit I start with, but I guess I would chose oranges. As for the one I hate, I don't have one.
Where do you want your tent to go?
Probably on/by the beach.
What do you think your first bug will be?
A common butterly.
What do you think your first fish will be?
A black bass if I fish in the river first. A sea bass or horse mackerel if I fish in the ocean first.
What piece of furniture is a MUST on your island?
I am not sure yet, but a cute bench seems like a nice start.
Who's your favourite non-villager NPC? Why?
Maybe Cyrus. He just seems like a cool guy.
And his role was useful in AC:NL.