OK! so I reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllly tried better in Trump Mafia from Tarot and Nub up until I outted as Vig (after which I said whatever, I can kinda say anything because people will believe me)
I will admit my read on Sarasa in the beginning was a stretch and maybe I was thinking far out there on Crys, but I focused hard on my position in the game and how I would come across in each post, and thought hard to come up with alternatives to the clear bandwagons going on just in case we weren't right (but we were). Thoughts and opinions on how I did compared to previous if anybody even bothered to notice me lol
you can be honest, I know I'm borderline terrible at this
just a random side note, while reading the scum chat if I ever get on scum team I would never be mad at someone for bussing me.... like I would totally understand it especially if I did something stupid