• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cryptid Creek (Evergreen Cabin)


greedy heart stealer
Project Staff
May 27, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Toy Hammer
Toy Hammer

Hey, it's not time for sleeping! The cryptid's active hours are after midnight and it's time to prove the existence of these entities! We're sneaking out, so grab your strange tech doodads, camera and bug net (for safety reasons)! It's time to encounter a wild cryptid!

Task 🦍

  1. Pick one of your current villagers on your island and turn them into a cryptid!
  2. Depict a scene of photographing a rare creature in Photopia.
  3. Write a short description of no more than 3-5 sentences long about your cryptid.
  4. Finally post a screenshot of your island map showcasing your current villagers!

An example template will be shown below!

How to Participate 🦍

Head on over to Harv's Island and create a scene of your player's character capturing a photo of an elusive cryptid in Photopia! Once you taken your rare photograph, fill out a case document describing your cryptid villager.

Submission Example:

Name: Blue Bigfoot
Behaviors: Silent but aggressive
Size: 9 ft tall
Habitat: Forest

Expedition Notes:
This large, blue cryptid is surprisingly quiet and easily blends into its surroundings. I was unaware how dangerously close I was to the creature when I heard distinct clapping noises behind me! It appeared it hadn't noticed my presence as it was just standing idlily with its backside facing me. I was absolutely terrified but couldn't help stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, that seemed to jostle the creature out of its calm state and I quickly ran for my life!
Screenshot: Name: Behaviors: Size: Habitat: Expedition Notes: Island Map (proof):

Rules 🦍

  • Your submitted entry must be your own photo. Do not claim other people's photos.
  • Your photo must be unedited. No in-game filters!
  • Only one player character and the chosen villager should be visible.
    • That means if you have multiple characters, choose one.
    • No Amiibos including NPCs! Use a current villager on your island.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your submission. Submissions that appear rushed and/or submitted jokingly will not be accepted.
  • You cannot edit your entry once submitted.
Event specific:
  • You may create your own cryptid or use an existing cryptid for your villager.
  • Expedition Notes should be no more than 3-5 sentences long.
  • You must submit your screenshot, the writing portion and your island map for your entry to be accepted.

How to Submit 🦍

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 6:59pm EDT on August 15th 2021.

Post these three things directly in this thread:
✅ your screenshot
✅ writing portion
✅ your island map

How to Vote 🦍

The cabin favorites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like or Love reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favorites will be decided only by votes from members of the same cabin.

Prizes 🦍

  • 15 Woodland Tokens and 15 Cabin Points
The Top 3 cabin favorites will earn an additional 8 Woodland Tokens. The Top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Jellyfish collectible.


Can we use any room in Photopia?
Yes you can!

Can we use custom designs in our photo?
Yes. You can use designs made others or yourself.

Can we scan in Amiibos/NPCs in for our photo?
Nope! Your photo must focus on one player character and your choice of villager cryptid.

Why are we posting a screenshot of our island map?
It's to show proof you are using a current villager living on your island.
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I got a bit carried away with the story lol.

Name: Crimson Dreadboar
Behaviors: Highly territorial
Size: Approximately 7ft
Habitat: Ancient Ruins deep in the woodlands
Explorers log: Day 4: After hours of trekking through the woods I've finally found what I've been looking for...the mysterious ruins hidden away in the bell tree forest. My sources say that the alter containing the secret of eternal life is kept there. They also say it's guarded by a fearsome boar creature but I don't believe in such nonsense. Because of this my crew has abandoned me to face the ruins myself but I don't need them...ah! There it is...the alter. I must get my camera ready.... Wait...that sound...? IT'S THE DREADBOAR!
Day 5: Lost the camera. Barely escaped. I'll never doubt that ex-archeologist in Cancun again...

Name: Marshall Eriksen
Behaviors: Revenge seeking
Size: 3ft smoll
Habitat: Woodlands
Expedition notes: It's day 2 of my undercover assignment for Camp Bell Tree. After strange incidents were sighted around the woodlands area, I was sent to report on the subject and make sure the woods were safe for when campers arrive. What I found was disturbing to say the least. In previous editions of the camp, acorns were always stolen from the woods by campers and it seems that marshal has finally snapped this year. The good and evil within him were able to stay in balance up till now which resulted in just a smug attitude, but now evil has fully taken over and hence...marshall eriksen wanders the woods...planning...seeking revenge. The behavior of this being is very unpredictable and I must move with care.

I have been able to infiltrate his nightly meetings together with gnomes he seems to be recruting. Every night even more show up! God, I hate gnomes...but I must stay strong...keep it together as to not blow my cover. The exact plans are yet to be shared so I’ll keep you updated as this years camp seems to have already begun. What I have discovered so far is that his first target seems to be cabin 3, the place where his stolen acorns were found last year...I pray for the poor souls assigned to that place this year, stay strong, stay alert!

Name: Fauna the Blossom Deerling
Behaviours: Timid at first, friendly & welcoming
Size: 4 ft
Habitat: Cherry blossom forest


Expedition Notes:
After exploring deep into the densely packed woodland realm, cabin 3 came across a whimsical blossomed area of the forest and decided to set up camp for the evening. At first, it seemed to just be the campers within the sector. As the sun started to set, gentle rustles and faint movements could be heard amongst the trees - a frightened yet curious deer poked her head out from the bushes nearby. Cautiously, she approached us, with each step she gradually realised we were no threat.

Seemed to enjoy our s'mores.

Took a liking to my deer hood.


this was fun to do lol. behold... my cryptid!


Name: Leo the Flower Whisperer
Behaviors: quiet, loves to smell flowers (especially roses), collects colorful things.
Size: slightly taller than Kat.
Habitat: a forest surrounded by flowers, where it rains often.
Expedition Notes:
I was taking a slow walk through the woods, when I stumbled upon the elusive flower whisperer, Leo! He looked... honestly, almost exactly like I had imagined he looked, and he is apparently a quiet individual; he didn't have much to say, as he was too busy taking whiffs of his small white rose. I caught a glimpse of his egg basket, which may in fact be large flower seeds, capable of producing the largest blooms this town has ever seen!
I managed to snag a picture of him, though I appear to be startled because he spotted me at that very moment! Luckily, he was too busy smelling--and, perhaps, talking to--his flowers to give chase to me, so I made it out alive. Another hidden beast to add to my records!
I was going on a light trod through the woods, I figured I could clear my head for a while and enjoy the flowers. As I walked on, however, I started to notice... the flowers were becoming more and more abundant... the air became thick and heavy with rain and pollen... I think I might-- *achoo!* oof, all these flowers are making my allergies act up!
I had to wonder, where did all these flowers come from? Did someone grow them here? Sure enough, I spotted him: a flower whisperer named Leo. I had read about him in legend but never did I think I would come face to face with the beast!
He didn't seem to speak much, though I observed a single white rose in front of him which he took a whiff of a few times. He really enjoyed that little flower. He had these odd antennae which ended in the shape of small flowers, and he wore a colorful... dress? I suppose in order to blend in with his surroundings. He seemed to be in his own little paradise, surrounded by all those flowers and hydrangeas. I couldn't help but notice his little egg basket, which I believe are not truly eggs, rather large seeds to plant some of the biggest and most grand flowers this world has ever seen.
I was in awe; I also have a love for flowers, but Leo had flowers which I'd yet to discover in my own town. I snapped a picture of his paradise, but not before trying to make off with one of his precious flowers (I wanted to add it to my collection, the impulse overcame me). He spotted me, which startled me as I took the picture, though he did not come after me as he was too preoccupied with his white rose. Thank goodness, I may have been a goner at that moment!
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Name: The Foodie
Behavior: Clumsy, Scares Easy, Very Hungry
Size: Around 4 ½ feet tall
Habitat: Seems to be a cabin and its surrounding area, but i'm not so sure

Expedition Notes:

During a hike on a trail near our cabin I came across a very downtrodden and run down shack. since there was no mention of this on our brochures i wondered if it was an oversight by the organizers or they just felt it wasn't important to document. Being the curious person i am, i chose to inspect further, and to my shock the front door wasn't locked! Upon my entry my eyes were met with a creature, surrounded by various fruits native to this area and an open grill. He was so preoccupied with his grilling that it took a good 5 minutes before they sensed me watching.

In a panic he exclaimed "what are you doing in my cabin?!?!" as if they were a guest at this camp like the rest of us. Undeterred, I continued my scan of the "cabin" and found fish (presumed to be a future meal) and a poster of a creature very similar looking to The Foodie himself on the back wall (a friend? a lover? his last meal? who knows). Afterwards I exited the shack, hearing a sigh of relief from The Foodie as I stepped outside.

I would like to request our cabin leaders report this cryptid to the local park rangers as i believe he could be a safety risk to us campers going forward.


Name: Spotted Queen Mer-Rabbit
Behaviors: Territorial, rude, irritable, self-centered
Size: About 5 ft tall
Habitat: Beach

Expedition Notes: After several hours of searching for this elusive creature, I found it, surrounded by stone artifacts, giant colourful shells, an elegant array of dresses, and valuable treasures that were likely plundered from sailors and pirates long ago. I tried to sneak up on it behind a row of shells, but it heard me as I was setting up my camera and turned towards me. I was expecting to get attacked, but before I could run, the creature started screaming at me for taking videos of her when her hair was a mess, terrified that her friends would see it, and for tracking dirt onto her beach after she had just cleaned it, going as far as threatening to give me a broom and making me clean every last grain of sand myself. She then launched into a spiel about how my outfit was hideous - apparently, Ms. Nintendique says camouflage is out of season - and ordered me to leave before I contaminated her beach with revolting fashion sense. Startled, confused, and somewhat offended (I happen to like camouflage), I slowly walked away, hoping not to upset it anymore, and warned the rest of my cabinmates not to go near her domain; I highly recommend leaving this strange creature alone.

Island Map:

After several hours of searching for this elusive creature, I spotted a large cluster of stone ruins and massive shells in the distance; I had heard rumours of how it had a fondness for mysterious and beautiful objects, so naturally I had to investigate. As I got closer, I saw a magnificent treasure trove of countless coins, sculptures, and artifacts likely taken from pirates and sailors over the years, along with an elegant array of dresses. I snuck behind a row of giant shells, which had gaps I could peek through to look around for it, and sure enough, it was there. Unfortunately, it had heard me taking out my video camera, and as soon as the creature turned around, I started to run, having no desire to be attacked by this strange and almost certainly dangerous being.

To my surprise, instead of attacking me, the mer-rabbit shouted (in a surprisingly loud, grouchy voice), "HEY! Don't you know not to sneak up on a lady? Were you raised in a barn?! And what in the name of Serena are you doing with that camera? I haven't even done my hair today! If Alli sees a picture of me like this, I'll never hear the end of it, and that would be absolutely humiliating because she's one of those people who still think leopard print is stylish. Put that camera away!" Too startled to do anything else, I cautiously collapsed my video camera, and the mer-rabbit continued to shout, "You haven't been trekking in the woods, have you? I don't want mud on my beach; I just swept this morning! If I find any, you're taking the broom and cleaning every last grain of sand! And darling, what kind of shipwreck struck your outfit? Don't you know camouflage is SO last season? And green is out; pink is in now! It was everywhere in last month's issue of Ms. Nintendique! I can't have you contaminating my beach with hideous fashion sense! Go on! Get out! And take your camera with you; normally I would say the hostess should be given a present, but it has your grubby little hands all over it - I can't possibly put it into my collection!"

Startled, confused, and somewhat offended (I happen to like camouflage), I slowly walked away, hoping not to upset it anymore, and warned the rest of my cabinmates not to go near her domain; I highly recommend leaving this strange creature alone.
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Hey guys. Thank you for submitting an entry to Cryptid Creek! After reviewing your entry, it is beyond the suggested 3-5 sentence description. Please resubmit your description within these limits so that we're able to accept it.
oh okay, sorry about that! I'll edit my entry shortly :)

(also if it's okay I'll keep the current desc but I'll put it in a spoiler since it doesn't count)
Hey guys. Thank you for submitting an entry to Cryptid Creek! After reviewing your entry, it is beyond the suggested 3-5 sentence description. Please resubmit your description within these limits so that we're able to accept it.
Sorry about that; my brain somehow added 'at least' before the 3-5 sentences and I got carried away. :P I've updated my description to be 5 sentences long!

Falco Quetzal; locals refer to him as Avery
Behaviors: Cranky gentleman, prefers to be alone, deep voice that will send chills running down your back, always hungry, known to "steal" food from distracted campers but always leaves a thank you note and bells for the food he takes.
Size: 6 ft tall 12 ft wingspan
Habitat: Prefers high elevation areas, the less people around the better
Expedition Notes: I regret not doing more research before choosing what camping area to go to. As soon as I got to the camping grounds I kept seeing wanted posters for this local cryptid 'Flaco Quetzal' to whom the locals endearingly refer to as 'Avery'. Locals say he is a gentleman because he always leaves a thank you note and bells for the food he steals from campers... but stealing is never right no matter what. If he is real, I hope he doesn't end up stealing my food.... wait... what are those chills I just felt?

Name: Ailuropoda pinkyleuca
Behaviors: It appears to be an energetic creature. I have observed it dancing and singing as well as consuming a lot of bamboo.
Size: Around 6 feet tall
Habitat: Bamboo forests
Expedition Notes: While exploring the woodlands I came across a portion of the area taken up by a bamboo forest. As I ventured farther into this area, I spotted a bit of pink amongst all the green. Upon closer inspection I found it to be some sort of creature resembling a panda. Unlike a panda however it appears to be bipedal, almost humanlike, and it is pink and white rather than the typical black and white associated with a panda. I will have to study it further and submit a more detailed report of my findings at a later date.
Island Map (proof):

Name: The Living Gyroid Rabbit
Behaviors: Likes to rest in the bushes and stare aimlessly, Quiet & Unfazed.
Size: She stands as tall as a human, placing her eyes in perfect alignment with yours to see while strolling through the forest.
Habitat: Rural forests with dense bamboo & vegetation.
Expedition Notes: As I began setting up camp I felt a presence in the distance. I looked around not noticing anything at first until I saw three voided circles hovering in the thick bamboo. I took a step closer revealing the mysterious circles belonged to the face of the legendary Living Gyroid Rabbit, who had long been thought to only be folklore. I did not fret, knowing she was no threat to me but rather a marker that an old graveyard was under this land. Time to find somewhere else to camp!
Island Map (proof):

Name: Mr. Snah
Behaviors: Kind, but prefers being alone. Often seen snacking on sweet treats, which he will offer to visitors. Eat at your own risk, though.
Size: Large
Habitat: A dense, wintery forest.
Expedition Notes: As usual, I was late in arriving at Camp Bell Tree. Unfortunately, that meant I was stuck with the oldest wardrobe in the cabin to use for my clothing. Begrudgingly, I creaked open the doors to unpack and immediately felt a cool chill - there was a false back to the wardrobe! I entered, was immediately hit with a cool blast of wind, and there stood Mr. Snah. He welcomed me with open arms and asked if I knew his last visitor, Jeremy, who hadn’t been back to visit in a long time.
Island Map (proof):

Name: RIBBOT 3.0
Behaviors: appears to be called towards metals, likely as it feels at one with it. timid but peaceful - will not attack
Size: perhaps three feet
Habitat: enclosed spaces many would consider filled with 'junk' and 'scraps'
Expedition Notes: i almost missed this creature, as it was well camouflaged down a dark alley i assumed to be filled with trash. as i approached it retreated further into its corner, but made no attempts to threaten me. While non-hostile, there was a clear understanding that he wished to be left alone. I quickly grabbed my lantern and headed off, leaving him to rest for the night.
Island Map (proof):

Name: The Dog Man
Behaviors: Timid, confused, but oh so sweet!
Size: 5ft 6in
Habitat: Wooded areas know for tasty mushroom logs!
Expedition Notes: As I begin to set up camp and build the fire I began to hear rustling in the bush! Ahhhh is it a bird, a plane? No it’s THE DOG MAN!!! At first the creature was concerning, but as I studied it I realized they were a really timid yet friendly beast! I continued to set up camp while the creature hung around.
Island Map (proof):

*sorry I don’t know how to do the spoiler thing…🤣

Name: The Winged Stallion
Behaviors: wary and timid
Size: 5 ft tall
Habitat: Hydrangea grove hidden in the forest

Expedition Notes:
Upon arrival I overheard locals whispering about new sightings of The Winged Stallion, hidden deep in the heart of the forest. I soon set out with my expedition gear - this was a rare opportunity of observing a mythical creature close up! After many hours of wandering the narrow, winding forest paths I stepped through the bushes to examine a faintly illuminated clearing. My gut feeling was right - not long after my arrival the hydrangea bushes were rustling softly and out stepped the most beautiful creature I've ever seen: A glowy white stallion with large, silver wings and eyes as blue as the summer sky! I managed to take a picture - however, the camera shutter noise was enough to draw attention to myself and the creature fled back into the depth of the forest green.

I took inspiration from the Japanese yokai, kitsune. 🦊


Name: The Shapeshifting Beast
Behaviors: Often hidden out of sight, and prefers to be alone. At times this furry anomaly may offer food, do not accept this offering.
Size: 6 ft tall
Habitat: Woodlands
Expedition Notes: After settling in at the camp, I ventured upstream to catch fish and came across this fox-like creature. Once it recognised my presence, it hastily disappeared. Suddenly, a human figure appeared and ran past me. Was that the frightening creature or something else entirely? Days passed observing this abnormal being, and I have discovered it may have shapeshifting abilities. Egad!


Forgive me. This map is an undeveloped mess.

Name: The Quizzical Fox
Behaviours: Mischievous & Intelligent
Size: 6 ft tall
Habitat: Rainforest

Expedition Notes: After being lost in the rainforest I came across this magical grove. It looked like the night sky had fallen to earth and had become with this mysterious rainforest. My only way through was to go forward through the celestial pathway. That’s when I came across The Quizzical Fox who only spoke to me with devious questions. He laughed at my answers which was unnerving, only time will tell if I can pass through safely...
