Currently Playing?

CoD Infinite Warfare

My brother somehow managed to convince me to play online. I'm pretty bad right now, but I'm getting better
Back to Halo 5 again lately since Battleborn was a let down. Overwatch comes out tomorrow so when the servers open I'll be playing that most of the time.
Splatoon, it's so addicting. I like online, but I've been trying story mode and I'm on the first boss, It looks good.
civ V and diablo 3 - I've never finished a 'dungeon crawler' before, I usually get really bored after a while...but I'm going to try to finish this one! I love the barbarian character, she's like a super awesome viking XD
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The Talos Principle, Final Fantasy X, and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I'm also thinking about starting a new playthrough of Alpha Sapphire.
Final Fantasy VII. Its probably my 20th something playthrough of this game. Just reached disc two.
I'm bout to restart Cave Story and actually finish it this time. Last time i started over because I found out it was possible to save the girl robot and she was already dead in my playthrough /spoiler/ but then never finished the game.
Currently I am playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Dark Souls 3, and League of Legends. I've recently just picked up ACNL, have been a huge fan of both league and dark souls for a few years now.
Im currently playing Xenoblade chronicles , Xenoblade chronicles X, ACNL, Star fox guard, Super mario 64(CCC run got 72 stars so far). And that's it for now
Final Fantasy XIV: Online. It's the first MMO I've really put some time into and I'm really enjoying it
Asdivine Hearts on my smartphone. It's an old school RPG and surprisingly fun (and easier to navigate and use than I thought; I might end up buying more games).
Omega Ruby... mainly catching legendaries and I should fight Elite 4 at some point.
When getting too bored of resetting for a good town map in New Leaf, I've been playing the original Shantae on the 3DS Virtual Console.