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yeah i'm the same! will probably end up buying it this weekend when i'm done with an essay. looks pretty cute + it feels like i haven't bought a new 3ds game in forever

yeah I have Dual Destinies, Pok?mon Y, HHD, and pok?mon yellow and tbh i need something not pokemon mango.
Currently making my way through Leon's story in Resident Evil 6(PS4). Then after that, I have Resident Evil Revelations 2 to play.
I recently binge-played the Mass Effect trilogy (my first time playing them) in just a couple of weeks when I should have been working on my finals lol

Now working my way through the Dragon Age trilogy. I had nearly completed my first playthrough of Origins as a city elf rogue and then my save file got corrupted during the final boss battle. I rage-gave up and started Dragon Age 2, without anything to import. Got to the beginning of act 2 and it just didn't feel right, so now I'm back and doing another run through of Origins, this time as a mage elf. I'm enjoying it, though. I'm doing some stuff I wish I had done in my first play-through. My first playthrough I hadn't really increased Sten's or Oghren's approval rating so I never got to do their companion quests, but this time I'm working on it. And also will be making sure I get Alistair... hardened. ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)
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Downloaded the demo for Yo-Kai Watch right now. Seems like a cool game but yeah I have a feel it will either be one game I will love and play to death or I will hate it :p
Mostly just Animal Crossing New Leaf/Happy Home Designer, Disney Magical World, and Harry Potter Lego on the wii. I have a ton of other games, I just haven't played them in a while.
I just started up the Max Payne port on PS4. I've made it further than I ever have so far this time around so hopefully I finish it this time!
Currently on a marathon of playing The Evil Within. It's not fun anymore. It's horrifying. I refuse any light into my room because for some reason, I enjoy being terrified out of my wits.
Mini Metro and Overwatch! Mini Metro is a surprisingly hard (if you gun for the achievements) game, with lots of luck/strategy involved. Overwatch also positively surprised me, it's a bunch of fun with friends and has honestly 100% won me over in just a few hours of playing it.
TP:HD. Honestly I forgot how much I liked Twilight Princess. I think I only played it once back on the gamecube so all I really remembered was that Midna was awesome.
I'm currently playing Bravely Default for my second playthrough as I've just received my Bravely Second last week. :) Hoping to finish both of em within the week, as I've got a pretty large amount of game backlogs and I want to finish them in my 3-months vacation.
I've been playing The Sims 4 recently. Needed a change of pace and I definitely want to get back into playing Bully on my Xbox 360 again.
Well, after a long hiatus, I've started to get back into SWTOR. It's a good game, but it's just not for me anymore and I'm not sure exactly why I'm playing it. Other than SWTOR though, games that I've picked back up and am loving are Hearthstone and the Overwatch beta. Overwatch hype is so real.
Tried out the demo for Yo-Kai watch and well.. I'm a bit ambivalent about it... Cute idea and the monsters are adorbs but I don't see myself buying it for $50 just to let it rot. But then demos are a bit meh with showing the good side, we'll see.
I've been in fates hell for a while and I'm currently playing through Sacred Stones and Awakening so that my friends wont get bombarded with me talking about fates ;u;
The Flame in the Flood. It's super fun but kind of difficult. It's a survival game, I've only made it 7 days so far ;u;
Lately I've been sticking with handhelds and playing Story of Seasons, The Legend of Legacy, Bravely second and Animal crossing (just to keep an eye on my towns).
Splatoon, Sm4sh, and new leaf is pretty much all I play except the occasional mario kart wii, and hot shots golf invitational on ps3
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