Currently Playing?

How has your experience been in the Skull Cavern?
I just finished the level 25 quest with whatever bombs I had from drops, some cactus fruit, and used about 900 stone on ladders.
If you were to stock up for level 100, what do you typically bring with you and how many?
What methods do you go by, etc?

Sort of an overly specific question for this thread, but I do not think it warrants a whole thread or a necro-bump.
Basically the same stuff you do BUT I bring a buttload of coffee with me that I got from the Night Market(at least 50 coffees)
I keep any food I have next to my weapon so I can quickly heal myself too.

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new leaf and assassin's creed odyssey

i thought this said new leaf: assassin's
and i was like oh ok i need that
3DS ACNL and Puzzle World
Switch-Started Farming Together last week and can't stop playing. Open Let's Go Pokemon games to hunt for extra masterball and money for the Crown.
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I like to play easy puzzle games. Esp Fluffy Rescue Levels Pack and Hide Caesar. It's a great way to kill time and have some fun. Plus they are free.
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Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and I'm doing a nuzlocke run of Pokemon X. Currently very invested into the former.
Not quite sure. Technically I'm playing Republique, but the forced camera angles anger me and it just disconnects my controller after like 10 minutes, and the game is so much worse with KB/M controls. It's a cool concept, but if I can rely on my controller I can't play it. It's already difficult enough as it is, finding your way through a big mansion while constantly being in stealth mode.

So, I'm looking for the next game to play. Next storydriven game is going to be Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors because I picked it up during a Steam sale recently, but I want something quick before I start that. I'm thinking of 911 Operator and Unheard. I'm also in the middle of EARTHLOCK. It's a modern oldschool RPG which is great, but also bad because of how these games used to be. So many random encounters, makes me feel like I'm playing Pok?mon.
ToonTown Rewritten - the most beautiful, inspiring, gorgeous MMO there is out there to date!

Animal Crossing New Leaf - also, a gorgeous beautiful game, im so excited for animal crossing for the switch and i know the announcement is coming so soon. i cant wait!

MapleStory2 - a literal plague of the mmo industry, its disgusting and filthy! am i still gonna play it? yes babes

:) :) :)
I've been playing toontown rewritten! before the community dies off in a few years or they get sued :sob:
Found a cheap copy of HHD yesterday so been pickin that up again. Also damn so much stuff that could be refurbished, like bruh
I've been playing Guitar Hero again lately, specifically GH3. Playing on expert mode is super fun and all, but my hands are just slightly too small for the span beyween the green and orange button on the guitar neck so my hand/wrist tends to cramp up rip

Still fun as heck tho :D
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and I'm doing a nuzlocke run of Pokemon X. Currently very invested into the former.

=D I just re-beat 999 a few weeks ago. Years ago I lent my DS copy to an ex (so gone forever) and was super pleased when the series went up for sale on Steam. I tried to move onto Virtue's Last Reward but it wasn't quite the same (or it's just that I got personally offended by a character which still makes it a good game?)

Anyway. Glad to someone else playing it recently. I also really appreciated your music corner XD

Been back to ACNL the last two weeks, and occasional multiplayer Stardew.
i finally caved and bought myself a ps4 so i’ve finally had the chance to play ff xv and i’m loving it so far! i also picked up sims 4 which i’m enjoying so far as well. and as for switch games, i’ve been playing stardew valley c:
RE4 and Castlevania Collection(specifically the original and Super Castlevania IV so far) on my Switch. Original Castlevania is hard as balls...can't seem to beat stage 4.
Currently I am playing Yakuza kiwami. I finished 0 a while ago and yakuza kiwami happend to be free as a ps4 monthly game. I LOVE this game - it's brilliant and I am near the platinum trohpy but hit a roadblock right now. This car chase is nuts on legend difficulty -.- Worst is you have to replay the entire chapter when you can't make it. No save point at all ;__;
I forgot to post this here, but I’ve been playing a Pokemon Y solo run with my first ever shiny, a shiny Azurill. I’m almost done with it anyway. Started it on 05/25/2019 and already have all eight gym badges and ready to go through victory road and challenge the Pokemon League! Leone the shiny Azumarill is level 100 now as well. :)
Aside from RE4, Castlevania and Super Castlevania IV, I've been playing RE0. Haven't played it in over a decade, I think. Definitely nostalgic.
Got back into playing Final Fantasy XII after finishing up AC3/Liberation on the switch (it's a bad port really) and truly realized how much I missed playing.