Currently Playing?

I was playing Dragon Quest XIS, but then I made the (pleasant) mistake of introducing my girlfriend to Final Fantasy XII, so I haven't been able to get at the Switch for some time!

So I've been plugging away at Happy Home Designer to reacquaint myself with some of the villagers ahead of New Horizon's release.
Pokemon Shield. Been catching gmax milcery on this file since they're one-two stars and my sword file I only have one empty slot left hopefully whenever gmax centiskroch appears
I recently finished Agatha Knife and I'm thinking of getting the others in the series. I've been playing Stardew Valley with my boyfriend and bouncing on and off of Pokemon Shield + Dragon Quest Builders 2.
currently replaying tomodachi life on the 3ds since i have nothing else to do until new horizons lol
I started playing Miitopia a couple of days ago and have been enjoying it quite a bit. Also did the first battle of the Cindered Shadows DLC for Fire Emblem Three Houses since it came out on Wednesday night, and I'm hoping to play a bit more of that this weekend.
Imagine Fashion Life 3DS lol... it's alright, I'm only playing it to say I beat it at this point. I'm trying to leave no game unfinished!
I'm playing quite of lot of The Sims 2 recently. I'm on a quest to make a custom town with re-creations of Strangetown, Pleasantview, and Veronaville in them as shopping districts. I'm debating about making the starting Sims 4 families in my main town too. And doing a Sim version of my own family with two different legacy sims. One as an "Uglacy" where you start with a really ugly Sim and see how long it gets you to breed out the bad features and a regular legacy family.

I'm also playing Atelier Lulua. It is so cute! I'm taking a break from Dragon Quest Xi because the entirety of Atelier Lulua is supposed to be as long as the first act of Dragon Quest Xi.
Cuphead. I'm stuck on kingdice and ready to fling the controller.
i’m playing animal crossing: pocket camp since i have nothing else to do lol
Just finished Sonic Adventure DX. No, not because of Sonic Movie. I actually ordered one on amazon a while ago but the order was messed up. Moving On to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle!
Finally completed the Pheonix Wright trilogy yesterday. Started playing it in 2015, lol.
Now just 3 more games to complete on my 3DS. Starting with Earthbound. Also still trying to complete DQXIS, and I’ve been playing a lot if Warface on Switch.
I picked up FFXIV again! I'm trying to at least finish the story so I can get to a boss called Titania because she is based off of the actual Titania and I love the song that plays in the dungeon! She also drops gear for your Chocobo mount that looks like a fairy that I want.