Currently Playing?

A lot of Tomodachi Life. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as well, but I haven't been able to play as much as my dad and brother.

Which is a good thing because you can only play the game once for the very first time so do take your time with it.
I've been playing a lot since launch and I have just finished the first dungeon. I'm gonna embrace every detail/quest/adventure I can find because at some point, lower-level-area content becomes too easy/loses its interest and I really don't wanny rush (did that mistake with Botw halfway through - and while the ending was satisfying in my opinion, I wish I hadn't rushed through afterwards).
I’ve been playing GTA online non stop I got a years membership cause I haven’t played in such a long time and I’m having so much fun 😊
Pokémon Violet. I kinda want to rush through the game so I can catch and trade version exclusives with myself, get the shiny charm and hunt in both versions. I'm playing Legends Arceus on the side, trying to fill a box of duplicate shinies for a future giveaway. (❁´◡`❁)
I started 'Cassette Beasts' on Game Pass yesterday. It's actually a pretty fun game. Seen people describing it as "Pokemon if Gamefreak still loved what they did"...which is obviously hilarious. But,'s a really fun and unique take on the monster training genre. - It's also available on Switch, and I would love to play that version of it...but, my lack of job/money will keep me playing the Xbox version for now.
I'm playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails From Zero. Going back to 2D after playing all four Trails of Cold Steel games is jarring, but the game is still solid. The translation is great, the music is good, and battles are as engaging as always. The setting reminds me a lot of Singapore and NYC.
Taking a break from FF IV as I'm stuck on Rubicante and grinding to master all my job classes for all my characters on FF V. I'm also playing Etrian Odyssey as I bought the origins collection yesterday and am quite enjoying it.
Just beat Pokemon Violet, so I'll probably be playing either Fire Emblem: Engage or Fire Emblem: Awakening now... or both!

And still playing Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail daily.
Right now I am just playing Zelda: tears of the kingdom and Honkai Star Rail. I don't think I'm going to try and play any other games for awhile because I think if I play too many games I get overwhelmed.
Scratch that on Fire Emblem, not doing that just yet.

I have, however, returned to playing Pokemon Conquest on my Pikachu-themed New 3DS XL, and finally beat the post-game mission I was stuck on for awhile. Getting the army leader's Skorupi to evolve into a Drapion really turned the tides. Now I'm doing Hideyoshi's story, and it's going well so far.

Also still playing Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact.






It’s been a good bit since my last posting in here. I’m still playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and having so much fun with it. I’ve been in battle mode lately, but I still race every now and then.
Etrian Odyssey, Sonic Mania, Final Fantasy V, Metroid Prime Remastered, Tunic, Zomboid, and Stardew Valley.
i recently got fire emblem three houses so i've been playing that a lot, also playing honkai star rail, genshin impact, and cookie run kingdom
i preordered story of seasons: a wonderful life
i'll be able to pick it up on tuesday and play right after work, i'm so excited eee
started a wonderful life! so far i'm really enjoying it, the nostalgia is hitting me hard! there's def a few bad changes that are annoying me already tho
Currently playing Marsupilami on the PS4. Last time I played a Marsu game it was on the Sega MegaDrive, so it's been a while.
Cute, colourful platformer, but very easy.
I haven't really played games too often lately, but when I have been it has primarily been Tetris 99. Not a big commitment, easy to just play for a little while and move on. Nice thing to play while listening to a video or podcast too. Also decided to try to earn more of the player icons since I unlocked all of the backgrounds a while ago, so that's been a whole thing. Gotten more into the Team mode.

That said, in the past two days I've gotten back into Pokémon Scarlet to breed a team to eventually use for a playthrough of Pokémon Violet.
story of seasons: a wonderful life was waiting for me when i got home from work yesterday and i'm just about to get into it for the first time! i've been really slacking with actually playing games lately so i'm hoping this gets me back into the swing of things, i've been so excited about it for so long