Also jumping on the Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life train! It was always one of my favorites. Certainly smaller scale/scope compared to the more modern titles, but it's a nice change of pace (especially when I don't have to look at countless out-of-place machines everywhere on my farm).
The newest game is Volcano Princess. I haven’t played a game this “one more turn” addictive since Civilization V. This game fills that itch the Story of Seasons and Rune Factory games that I’ve played couldn’t scratch. That is being able to watch your in-game child grow up.
Yes, I’m aware that A Wonderful Life just released. Unfortunately, I can’t buy it yet and had to settle for this game.
currently starting the first xenoblade game. not that far into it but its been a blast so far and my god i keep getting absolutely ground down by these bunnies and dinosaurs loool
i’ve been playing story of seasons: a wonderful life for the past week! i never played the original, so i have nothing to compare it to, but i’m enjoying it! it’s significantly more fun now that i have a general idea of the mechanics and where everything is, and the graphics are pretty stunning! i just made it to year 2, so married, parent life is kinda overwhelming, but i’m sure i’ll get used to it
Still playing Final Fantasy XIV. I got my astrologian caught back up to 50+ so I'm back to working on story quests. I like the astrologian soooo much better than the white mage.
I also started playing Kena: Bridge of Spirits this week. I'm still in the very early stages of the game, but I'm having a lot of fun so far.
Mostly Jack Jeanne recently because it's incredible and I love it, but I've also been keeping up with my Pokémon White and Stardew Valley files too. ^^
no longer really playing cult of the lamb. i don't think i got that far in either. maybe i'll pick it up again some other time?? guess i now sort of know that rogue-lites (that genre) aren't my sort of thing
playing animal crossing new horizons + mario kart 8 deluxee
After finishing up this I went and bought the Ace Attorney trilogy on my Switch so I have been playing through that slowly. I am currently on PW:AA - Trials and Tribulations case 3!
(I also bought Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and PW:AA - Spirit of Justice on the 3DS eshop RIP so I can play those next)
Still checking in with this every so often as well, I've made it to crown rank 11 so far . New fame pass started a few days ago so I have been playing again to progress through that a little and get the new free cosmetics.
Playing Legend of Arceus loads. But Im way too focused on just gathering information xD
Aside from defeating pokemon, because idk why thats a requirment tbh. But other tjen that I love it. Should probably move on from the first area though xD
Now all I need is my shiny shinx. Hopefully. Plesse game.