Currently Playing?

Decided to take a break from my Pokémon Violet game for now and play some cozy games, so I'm currently playing AC:NH and Disney Dreamlight Valley again.
I'm taking a break from my Mass Effect 2 playthrough to play even if Tempest! It's been highly enjoyable so far, especially since I haven't been engrossed in an otome in a good while.
Decided to go back to my Pokémon Violet game. There's so much I want to do on it, that I would like to get done with it.
I was playing Persona 5 before the event. I put it on hold for a while. I wanted to see what the game was like because Joker had gotten into Smash. I find it kind of stupid it took them so many years to bring it over to the Switch. Seems like if the company is giving them publicity the least they could've done from the start was to offer Switch users the chance to play the game without having to own a different system.
I'm playing Pikmin 4 at the moment! I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I liked the previous games as well
Right now, a mix of Tales of Vesperia and Pokemon White 2 (though this oneI haven't actually opened up in a few weeks oops). I am trying to finish Vesperia before starting ToTK, but I'm ready to just start Zelda anyway. I'm too impatient for this game.
Turnip boy commits tax invasion - never give him paper he will rip up anything you give him XD

Cassette Beasts - omg already so invested, and I just started. a fusion of like pokemon and digimon? i think, but its on casette tapes :D

Felix the reaper - lil platform game where you get to see the reaper jiggle to the music.

Oxenfree 2 - didnt realise they were making another so had to buy~!

Horror Tales: The Wine - really good so far, i just break things too much and not used to horror games XD

A short hike - reminds me a lot of animal crossing, but you're a bird and can fly, swim. Love the graphics

Once upon a jester - loving it so far, your own choices make a spin on the story!

I am playing a lot more but these are recent.
been playing a ton of coral island, hades and botw lately. i did buy totk when it came out, but ironically still haven't played it hfbfjgnjg. one day ! once i have absolutely so thoroughly played every last scrap of content about 4 times 😂😂
I've been playing Super Mario 3D Land a lot for the last week or two! I had a few more special worlds I needed to clear, and I've now completed every single level with all star coins and gold flags! now I just have to go through and beat every level as both Mario and Luigi hehe

there are a few other games I'm playing off and on on the side. today I spent quite a bit of time playing Mario Party Island Tour, and I started my NSMB2 file again so I can get to the level with the peepas and the whomps beat the game! idk why I haven't beaten it yet lol.
Since it's been added to NSO, TLoZ: Oracle of Ages.

I seem to like the handheld Zelda games, but not the 3D console ones. Maybe if I can ever try out TotK that might change...
I have been playing the crap out of Fantasy Life. Ive had the game for a long time now but i never got into it as much as i am now. Its easily become one of my all time favorites. Theres so much to do and the world is HUGE. I love this game so much!
I still love Fantasy Life <3
I picked up Pikmin 4 and I've been playing it when I have free time. I'm quite enjoying it, but it suffers from being too hand holdy.
Well, I have been playing Pikmin 4 when I get the chance, even if CBT has kinda derailed my ability to play it a bit. I guess technically I'm also playing the main trio of games involved in the Gaming Station whenever those sessions are on (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 3, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate).