Currently Playing?

ACNL, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Project x Zone, and Borderlands 2... I need to start on the games I bought at the steam sale too =.=
ACNL. no other game matters to me right now. my wii games are cloaked in a veil of dust on a shelf in the back of a dark room somewhere. /cornerofshame
Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have 135 hours logged in.
Me, my brother, and cousins (who live with us) occasionally play Wii Party.
Well right now I'm mostly just playing Animal Crossing New Leaf but I'm also trying to finish playing the first Bioshock. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have many nightmares after I finish it :/
Aside from Animal Crossing, I'm playing The Last of Us and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Waiting for Tales of Xillia to come out first week of August and I'll be all over that. :>
AC, obviously. I bought Fire Emblem: Awakening and am working on finishing it, but it reminded me of other strategy games that I want to replay so I also started Yggdra Union again.

And sometimes I play Castle Crashers with friends.

Should really play some of my other Steam games though. If games on a PC could be dusty, they'd be very, very dusty.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Black 2, and I want to play Skyward Sword before school starts if I'm lucky.
Apart from New Leaf, I've been playing a lot of Shin Megami Tensei IV. I like how they somewhat complement each other; if I get overly frustrated by something in SMT IV, I can always just open up AC:NL and relax a bit, haha.
currently replaying Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (trying to replay the entire series, but this part of Brotherhood is so boring so I'm slacking...)

and playing for the first time: Deadpool, Bioshock
I've been only playing Shin Megami Tensei IV and Animal Crossing NL lately it's funny how pissed off I can get at SMTIV sometimes (especially when I forget to save,die and end up losing half my hard earned money to come back to life) and then relax doing errands or catching fish in animal crossing.
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Just Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I'm thinking of redownloading Style Savvy: Trendsetters and Pushmo...
Osu! (The computer rhythm game) Basically like elite beat agents but for the computer. cx