Currently Playing?

Animal Crossing : New Leaf , Skyrim (All the DLCs included) & MODing it , League of Legends (Lux OP) <-- Username: ShouldvebeenJedi. Server: North America.
I'm currently playing Sims 3 and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Annoyingly, my towns on Sims 3 keep glitching and messing up. :/
Other than New Leaf, I've been playing Ace Attorney. I'm on the last day of the last trail of the first game. I should finish it.
New Leaf and Magic The Gathering.. I'm actually really bored of video games now..
I'm playing Tales of Xillia, Dragon's Crown (although the character designs are becoming harder and harder to justify as innocent), and 3D Dot Game Heroes. It is exclusives like these that remind me why I purchase Sony consoles.
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Animal crossing of course even though I currently can't find my 3DS <.> and Pikmin 3 which is soooo fun! It's a lot more like pikmin 1 than 2 though, and I preferred pikmin 2 more.
League, Smite, and just finished the Last of Us for the first time! Waiting to get a Wii U for Pikmin 3 ~
Animal Crossing (duh)
And Psychonauts, gracefully dying my way through the last level. God **** is this hard. I mean even the music says evil. I still love the game though, one of my favorite games of all time. Great humor, beautiful levels, and loveable characters. Heck I love it so much I slapped the main protagonist onto my signature. It's like 5/9 bucks on Steam. Good price for a long and enjoyable game.
DuckTales: Remastered.
I got DuckTales for GameBoy 14 years ago I think. It was one of my favourite games. When I heard there was going to be a remake, I instantly knew I wanted it.
I've been playing lots of games from my youth for the gamecube.
Also pokemon SS and Fire Emblem Awakening.

Oh, and New Leaf... :p