Currently Playing?

Animal Crossing: New Leaf of course.
I also recently (last night) got myself a Steam; I bought Psychonauts (great game) and Portal!
Mostly I can be found playing New Leaf... Donkey Kong Returns... Colors! on 3DS

However, I'm also playing tons of Skyrim (Right now on PS3, because I just got it for PS3, but I already have logged over 1000 hours between my Xbox and PC).

I can be found playing Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 on the PC.

And at night before bed, or if I had been up all night drinking... I tend to pop in Mario Kart and play that on Wii.

That's it for right now though.

EDIT: OH YEAH! I also play tons of Bejeweled and similar games with my wife on Facebook
I'm playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf mostly, although I am in the middle of a play-through in Mass Effect 3 when I'm not glued to my 3DS. Playing two games that are completely different in every aspect of the word really puts the video gaming industry into perspective. It's a nice reminder of the various directions that developers and companies can take with franchises.
Currently playing on 3DS:
- Animal Crossing New Leaf
- Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Luigi's Mansion 2

Playing on PC:
- Dota 2
- Tera Online

Playing on PS3:
- Ni no Kuni
- Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
I'm playing Deadpool: pure unadulterated, chaotic fun. I'd say High Moon Studios really did their research. I'm also dabbling in Arkham City, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault.
Animal Crossing New Leaf, Monster Hunter Three Ultimate, The Sims 3 Pets (For the playstation 3), Just got done with Gran Turismo 5 (Very exited for six), and a bunch of little flash or puzzle games on facebook.
AC:NL, finishing up Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance after months of neglect, and still Theaterhythm :)
I've mainly been re-playing FFXIII lately. Just coming towards the end of ch. 11 now; I beat Taejin's Tower today.

I bought Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance 3-4 hours ago. Then I remembered I never finished 358/2 Days. Turned it on to find I was on mission 90/93 - it didn't take long to finish. I'm quite happy - that was my first playthrough! :) Although I'm a little annoyed at how easy the final bosses were.
Currently re-playing through Kingdom hearts 2 (for the millionth time) with a few friends who haven't played it before.
Currently re-playing through Kingdom hearts 2 (for the millionth time) with a few friends who haven't played it before.

I just have to say, I LOVE the gif in your signature! :)

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I've completed Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose for PS2. I'm currently playing ACNL, of course. Aside from that, I'm playing Fatal Frame 2/Project Zero 2 Crimson Butterfly on hard mode to unlock more sweet costumes. After I've done that, I'm going to play Clock Tower 3 if I can get my hands on it.