Currently Playing?

I was playing typing of the dead. If you want to type a bit more faster I suggest you get this.
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Doodle Jump on my Android. I probably start trolling trolls in the GE in RuneScape later though.
Been playing HammerWatch with friends.

Game is so fun, but hard as hell...q_____q
Rayman Legends
The game is simply amazing!

Mother 3 (replaying). i can't even remember how many times I've played this.

Game Jolt games (only the good ones at the moment)
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Skyrim <3

...and soon to be unhealthy amounts of Grand Theft Auto V :cool:

Highfive for Skyrim. I've been trying to complete it after failing to when it was released. Playing a Conjuration Archer! I want GTA5 but alas PC release date is delayed :/

Also playing Bioshock Infinite, just finished Bioshock 1 and 2.
A tale of two brothers.

Really love the controls it's unique, but the puzzles meh, it's a hit or miss. Average at most, I wish it was difficult.
Mostly just New Leaf lately....'trying to get that d**n scarab beetle...:mad:
Pretty much been bouncing around Touhou 6, 8, 10,10.5, 11, 12, and 12.3..

If only my computer was better, I could play touhou 13, and 14 without horrid slow down issues. bleh
Been kickin' it old school with the original Silent Hill....ahh, the wonderful world of emulation!:D
Currently playing SMT IV, Dragon's Crown, and Rayman Legends (HIGH FIVE RAYMAN LENGENDERS!!) on top of AC. On the edge for pokemon XY and phoenix wright 5 :< this fall has not been kind to my wallet...
I just beat Dragon Age II for the first time. Taking a break before I start playing the DLCs for Dragon Age, so I'm playing through Rayman Origins again and doing my best to do all the time record runs as well as getting the lum ribbons.
I just finished Brothers: Tale of two sons. good game, it got me a bit teary at the end.

so what's next hmm.. Dead Space 3.