Currently Playing?

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

I've pretty much left the final chapter hanging as I wasn't sure if I'll ever get to play the sequel.. until XSeed's recent announcement. :D
I'm getting back on Steam, playing games like Penumbra: Overture, Gemini Rue, and HammerWatch with my friends. :)
Currently playing Kingdom Hearts 3D, Pheonix Wright and World of Warcraft. Yea...a lot until Pok?mon finally releases. Can't wait.
Minecraft and I'm pretty mad cause I was mining in an abandoned mineshaft and lava killed me and I lost my enchanted diamond pickaxe and enchanted sword and I don't have enough diamond to make another diamond thing..... And I can't ever find diamond in caverns, though.
Minecraft and I'm pretty mad cause I was mining in an abandoned mineshaft and lava killed me and I lost my enchanted diamond pickaxe and enchanted sword and I don't have enough diamond to make another diamond thing..... And I can't ever find diamond in caverns, though.

Man I just bought Minecraft. I don't even know why I die way to fast and never build lol.
I'm playing Pikmin 3 and Family Party 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade (which I keep getting trolled on miiverse because I actually like the game and make on-topic posts about the game other than arrow posts)
Passively playing Kid Icarus on my phone. Might try to do TLoZ next...or until I get a new phone

The disease is spreading throughout TBT. I swear there's at least 10 of us that have the game now.
playing the new Terraria update lately with my friends!:cool: