Custom Path Suggestions - Horror/Mystery


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Tasty Cake
Good day. I hope this is the right place to talk shop about custom textures, if not I do apologise.

Just before the update, I was forced to restart my thousand-hour island because of a dead Switch (when I stopped playing, the island carryover app wasn't a thing). I was sad, but decided to use this as an opportunity to have a fresh start and make something even better. Today, I finally have reached the point where I can use custom texture pathing to really bring my idea to life, and I have come here for recommendations from you wizened folk.

In short - I am making an island of mystery and horror. Naturally, my rivers split my island into quite a few parts, and so I am making many areas, each with an unsettling discovery or mystery to be found by any coming to visit. So far, I have a school area, theme park area, Japanese temple area, decrepit forest area, sleepy township area, lovely town center area and a few others I'm working on (such as the boba stand, the Japanese festival and so on). And I want to make each dark and ultimately kinda unsettling.

My inspirations come from series such as Danganronpa, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (and by association, Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Silent Hill and the like.

I was looking firstly for anything that will start to unsettle (blood trails, ichor to put in corners) as well as normal paths for the different areas, if anything comes to mind for them. I am still building many of the areas, and slowly gathering back items and refilling my catalogue, though it is slow. But I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!