Mafia DA:I Mafia

Hope you guys enjoy your vig getting lynched. I didn't want to tell you but it looks like I have to.
Even though I think Daniel is innocent, I still have like 5% suspicions about him, there's no dirt on him now so I think he's innocent enough for me to take my vote elsewhere.
also rune, who are your top 3 sus' if you don't mind me asking?

I don't really think that posting reads d1 is a good idea...
I'm not gonna say for a couple of days in case somethings happens.

jk my list is
one. trojan
two. trojan
three. kappa van kappameister
Doesn't sound believable.
Also my question still stands, do you have any defense?
ok if you are Trojan who would you use your one shot on ? cause if its true and we don't lynch you tonight you gonna be died tomorrow
@Daniel I'm pressuring him because I'm very sus' of him, plus his new post just blamed you with no cause or reason.

If this is what you mean by my posts being weird than I'll tone it down a bit...
Dat Ashtot move tho.

I second the ask for if you've got any actual defenses besides "Eyyy I a 1 shot vig" though. You keep ignoring the serious stuff and/or try to shift the blame onto others. I want to hear why our suspicions don't hold any merit.