Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"NO, DON'T TELL THEM!!" she yelled, her cheeks beginning to go red with embarrassment.

"Whoa... calm down..."
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"Cutie?" Alex thought. "... Does she mean the... Innocent cutie Leigh?" Alex looked shocked. "B-But she's taken!"
"Ohhhhhhhh! Love triangle!"
"I'm sorry! It's just- Argh! I'm a terrible teacher!" Usami cried.
Leigh and Eddie had returned. "Hey, we are back." Leigh sat down smiling.
"Errrrrr... Hi Leigh! So..." Alex realised things were going to get uncomfortable. "What happened?"
"Hmm? Oh! Well we went to my room and Eddie explained. Then we played on the Xbox for a few rounds on Mortal Kombat!" She said excited.
Misa watched Eddie sit down with the group, sulking. "What's wrong?" Misa asked, nudging him, with a smirk on her face. "Didn't get to have any fun?"

"Have you ever tried playing games with her? She's too good, it's completely unfair..." Eddie replied.

Misa giggled. That's what he's upset over?
"Ummm... i-it's nothing! Right, Calvin?" she asked, a little nervous.

"Uhh..." He was unsure whether or not to tell the truth. "...Y-yeah, I guess...?" he said, sounding a little unsure.
Leigh giggled. "Cool!" She then looked at the time. "I-I think it's starting to get late, we should start to tuck ourselves in right?"
"Pfffft! Don't be silly! It's only like 10 o'clock!"
"Oh, what should we do before we sleep?"
"What about a spooky ghost story! Mwahahah!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"...Hello?" Jonathan asked, as the noise started again. Cautiously, he got up, slowly moving towards the bookshelf it seemed to be coming from. He thoyght he could make out the word "Egg" within the noise. Wasn't that the name of Vick's library ghost or sometging like that?

Misa giggled. "They probably like you back, you know. But if you don't tell us who it is, you'll never know!"
'Egg' seemed to be displaying a 'reboot' on the screen. The space bar was glowing as if that was what you had to press to get the machine working again.
Leigh yawned. "I think it's time that I get to bed... Good night!" The sleepy girl wrapped up in her sleeping bag and fell asleep.
"...Night..." Calvin said, before yawning as well. He was beginning to feel tired. "...I think I'll go to sleep too."

"But it's not even that late!" Danni said.

- - - Post Merge - - -

'Egg' seemed to be displaying a 'reboot' on the screen. The space bar was glowing as if that was what you had to press to get the machine working again.

Jonathan cautiously pressed down the space key, the one that was glowing. Was this what uad been making the noise. Vick's 'egg' ghost was actually a computer of some sort?

"You guys are going to sleep already?" Misa asked. "It's not even that...." Misa paused, trying to yawn without actually looking like she was. "...Not even that late..."
"But we have to at least tell scary stories first," Misa pointed out. And by then you might not even want to go to sleep!
The computer made some strange noises, before rebooting and starting up again. "Hello. I am Alter Ego." The machine had a sprite of a happy face on the screen. "Who are you?"
"Hello, JONATHAN." Alter Ego said. "You are the second user to log on. I hope you are okay."
"Go on then Misa, tell us a spooky story."