Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"That made more sense in my head than out loud," Misa muttered. She wasn't very good with words, apparently. "It'd be impossible to pick a favourite pit on a golf ball, wouldn't it? They're all the same, none are better than the others."

"Are you saying that everything about Calvin is attractive?" Eddie sighed. "God, even compared to some of the things I've said before that's getting cheesy as hell..."
"Here I was thinking Eddie was the biggest lump of cheese here." James said, nudging his bro.
"Oh, how cute." Leigh had commented.
"Calvin and Misa sitting in a tree."
"Doing something they shouldn't be!"
"Hmmm? What are they doing in a tree?"
Alec put a hand on Leigh's shoulder. "Bless your moe innocence."
"I could show you later if you want, Leigh," Eddie said, smirking.

Misa threw her pillow from the pillow fight at James at his 'Doing something they shouldn't be!' comment.
Leigh nodded excitedly. "Oh yes, that would be very helpful." I hope it means we play mario kart!
James, after being attacked with a pillow by his sister, brushed it off and fist bumped Eddie. "You are learning the way of the James well my young one."
"Pffffffffft! Way of the James? More like way of the stupid!"
"Ummm..." He was confused at first by what Misa had said, but then he blushed after she explained what she meant.
"What about you Calvin? What do you fancy the most in Misa? Hmm?" James asked the boy. "Keep in mind this is my sister we are talking about..." James gave a threatening defensive big brother look.
"I-I... ummm..." He was nervous, and wasn't sure what to say.

"Come on! Tell us!"

"Uhhh... e-everything, I guess..."
Calvin remembered what happened when everyone was dancing a few days ago. He remembered what happened when just before he went off to bed. He blushed again. "Ummm..."
"...Sort of?" Misa replied. While they had technically kissed, Syo had somewhat forced them into it.

"Sort of?" Eddie asked. He figured he could probabky guess roughly what'd happened. "I'll rephrase that. Have you kissed on purpose yet. Like one of you going up and kissing the other."
"Kissing?!" James looked shocked, this was his little sister! "Hey! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here-"
"Oh shut up James let the love birds kiss!"
Wow, sleep overs are fun!
Since Calvin was jever one to make the first move, Misa decided she would. She wasn't very far away from him so it didn't take long to walk over, and without any warning whatsoever kiss him on the lips.
(Tia I'm dying XD I was on my notes on my IPad and I've found LOTS of old ridiculous AUs and stupid Dark Veil and The Aftermath stories.)
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Calvin blushed even more when Misa kissed him. He smiled, then hugged her. After a while, he kissed her back.

They're so cute together, Danni thought.
(Tia I'm dying XD I was on my notes on my IPad and I've found LOTS of old ridiculous AUs and stupid Dark Veil and The Aftermath stories.)

(Oh God xD After a fairly weird conversation with someone at college (you don't even wanna know), I ended up going back and finding the NSFW Dark Veil stories the other day)

Eddie wolf-whistled. "...Since I don't think they'll be paying attention for a while, should we talk about something else?"
"Well first, I want to discover what you guys meant about that rhyme. Eddie will it take long?" She asked.
"Erm..." Alex looked at Leigh and sighed. "Er... Leigh, just be careful okay."
"Hmm? Is it dangerous?"